TSTT Forum: All posts by riche

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All posts by riche

There have been 138 posts by riche

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New Replies Digicel and bmobile Night Plans
Night Calling
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how bmobile beating digicel? digicel can talk to ANYONE in trini for...

Posted on Apr 21 2008 12:53 AM by riche

GSM Issues Cool3ni Icon
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New Replies Symbion S60 problem
certificate problem
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just buy the damn app instead of stealing.....

Posted on Mar 23 2008 07:48 AM by riche

Discussions Alpine Icon
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New Replies TSTT Wireless Broad band
Is Tstt Wireless Broadband getting any better?
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greendot is way better, pings are from about 80ms to 200...

Posted on Mar 16 2008 12:40 PM by riche

Wireless Broadband evdouser Icon
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Hot Topic (New) speedtest.net
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when i use trinidad server, my pings are 56ms... blink just lame lolz

Posted on Mar 15 2008 09:39 AM by riche

High Speed ADSL steffan Icon
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New Replies Unlocking Nokia E50 BB5
got tools?
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connect it to yur computer and launch teh software to update...

Posted on Mar 10 2008 09:08 PM by riche

Unlocking blackheart Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Blink Updates
Please post your Blink updates
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i know this is a little off topic and it probably...

Posted on Mar 07 2008 02:22 PM by riche

High Speed ADSL surfer_dude Icon
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New Replies Greendot new price structure
still not competitive though
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so liek i spoke to them today, they called to say...

Posted on Mar 06 2008 09:57 PM by riche

Wireless Broadband Trini.tk Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Carib Link Wireless
How is their service?
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so i now spoke to a technician about carib link. he...

Posted on Feb 27 2008 06:34 PM by riche

Wireless Broadband Trini.tk Icon
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New Replies Japan launches high-speed internet satellite
1.2 Gbps
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who u going to apply for that? It is for Japan! Gosh man, read the article first before you post!!

Posted on Feb 25 2008 11:43 PM by riche

Internet General sweetsam Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Carib Link Wireless
How is their service?
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the airport don't have dial up for the last time!!!!@! ...

Posted on Feb 24 2008 08:55 PM by riche

Wireless Broadband Trini.tk Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Internet Usage Monitoring
He's watching us...
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u go to sams?

Posted on Feb 22 2008 10:46 AM by riche

Discussions greall Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Carib Link Wireless
How is their service?
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one of my friends used to work for carib link he say that their service sucks and they know it...

Posted on Feb 21 2008 09:45 PM by riche

Wireless Broadband Trini.tk Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Great difficulty with BLINK CSR
I need help understanding TSTT/BLINK
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i agree with cardez, this alpine guy sounds like a total ### from his other posts...

Posted on Feb 21 2008 02:16 AM by riche

High Speed ADSL Alpine Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Carib Link Wireless
How is their service?
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the cariblinksucks guy don't have 256, if he had 256 why would his uplaod be 400k? way alyuh people dumb...

Posted on Feb 21 2008 02:13 AM by riche

Wireless Broadband Trini.tk Icon
  • 91 Replies
Hot Topic (New) Great difficulty with BLINK CSR
I need help understanding TSTT/BLINK
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wifi? i doubt they using that to get internet to people's house!

Posted on Feb 20 2008 11:27 AM by riche

High Speed ADSL Alpine Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Carib Link Wireless
How is their service?
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why alyuh bad talkin greendot for? them is some cool people.......

Posted on Feb 18 2008 12:33 AM by riche

Wireless Broadband Trini.tk Icon
  • 91 Replies
Hot Topic (New) Alienware laptop for sale
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google mac x86 and find a torrent with it, download and enjoy!

Posted on Feb 13 2008 10:26 AM by riche

For Sale riche Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Anyone in Chaguanas get Blink Yet?
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hahahah the ghetto..... *sigh*

Posted on Feb 07 2008 09:27 AM by riche

High Speed ADSL steffan Icon
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New Replies PSP for sale
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hey i interested, u have msn? we could talk better there

Posted on Feb 05 2008 08:46 PM by riche

For Sale ninja_billy Icon
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New Replies RAM + Graphics Card
Any Interested?
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give me for $299 and its a deal

Posted on Feb 04 2008 06:08 PM by riche

For Sale Reyaz Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Drop in dsl
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yeah i have a partner in lange park and EVERYBODY internet who have tstt moving like shit!!! TSTT ##

Posted on Feb 01 2008 09:51 AM by riche

High Speed ADSL omni Icon
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New Replies computer or net doing something weird
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i guess if that does not work ^^ u could try a clean reinstall of yur system

Posted on Jan 26 2008 11:21 PM by riche

Flow Internet jpf Icon
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Hot Topic (New) We have a speedtest node now
Thanks to FLOW I bet.
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if u a 15mb customer arnt u supposed to be getting more than 256??

Posted on Jan 22 2008 09:52 PM by riche

Flow Internet deathwinger Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Alienware laptop for sale
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oh it also has a 16x DVD burner

Posted on Jan 22 2008 07:02 PM by riche

For Sale riche Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Alienware laptop for sale
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ok so like i didnt send it back to alienware that...

Posted on Jan 21 2008 08:35 PM by riche

For Sale riche Icon
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