TSTT Forum: All posts by ninja_55

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All posts by ninja_55

There have been 156 posts by ninja_55

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Hot Topic (New) Blink goes down for the Night
Seriously no connection from 5pm to 5am
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WDA hoss? like yuh need some serious prayers or bush bath...

Posted on Nov 16 2013 03:58 PM by ninja_55

High Speed ADSL Skylined Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Blink goes down for the Night
Seriously no connection from 5pm to 5am
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Moruga u say yes...wel boy that is some hard times and...

Posted on Nov 13 2013 06:13 PM by ninja_55

High Speed ADSL Skylined Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Blink goes down for the Night
Seriously no connection from 5pm to 5am
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where you at greall? that is some serious frustration yes

Posted on Nov 11 2013 04:50 PM by ninja_55

High Speed ADSL Skylined Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Blink goes down for the Night
Seriously no connection from 5pm to 5am
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No probs man..the amount of years I dealt with tstt and...

Posted on Nov 10 2013 11:22 PM by ninja_55

High Speed ADSL Skylined Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Blink goes down for the Night
Seriously no connection from 5pm to 5am
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Hmm sounds like an issue with the exchange but try this...go...

Posted on Jul 12 2013 09:15 AM by ninja_55

High Speed ADSL Skylined Icon
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New Replies New to flow internet
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lol...it sure is a pain to get that password generator eh...

Posted on Mar 29 2012 03:29 AM by ninja_55

Flow Internet sprout1976 Icon
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New Replies Digital Upgrade in Claxton Bay Area
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FLOW is now available in Gasparillo, Bonne Aventure and environs. Saw...

Posted on Jan 23 2011 11:55 PM by ninja_55

Flow Internet Nizzi Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Blink - drastic slow down
with new IP range 186.45.x.x
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Same shit here..<DELETED>? Since yesterday i noticed this and i'm stuck...

Posted on Jul 11 2010 11:41 PM by ninja_55

High Speed ADSL admin Icon
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New Replies Poor Service at Bmobile Brian Lara Promenade
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Yea man no scene. Yes indeed the EDGE Blackberry service has...

Posted on Jul 08 2010 10:50 PM by ninja_55

Discussions jsm1985 Icon
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New Replies Poor Service at Bmobile Brian Lara Promenade
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Correct is right...West Mall is the flagship store don't you see...

Posted on Jul 08 2010 09:09 AM by ninja_55

Discussions jsm1985 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) speed drop
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cape you can try using G.DMT only!!! and also use PPOA...

Posted on Nov 08 2009 06:43 PM by ninja_55

High Speed ADSL sprout1976 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) speed drop
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same here...they fixed it finally!

Posted on Nov 08 2009 08:53 AM by ninja_55

High Speed ADSL sprout1976 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) speed drop
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so it seems as an islandwide problem? this the 3rd consecitive...

Posted on Nov 07 2009 10:38 PM by ninja_55

High Speed ADSL sprout1976 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) speed drop
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i dunno whats going on here...but this is the 3rd day...

Posted on Nov 06 2009 12:02 PM by ninja_55

High Speed ADSL sprout1976 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) speed drop
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well join the bandwagon....i am also in Gasparillo...and i own a...

Posted on Oct 14 2009 12:05 AM by ninja_55

High Speed ADSL sprout1976 Icon
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New Replies Lag during online gaming
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u have the answer right there...BLINK...their network was not designed to...

Posted on Aug 20 2009 11:11 PM by ninja_55

High Speed ADSL Trini.tk Icon
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Hot Topic (New) My blink down since Friday...freeport exchange
using dial up :(
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call repairs...report it as a line problem...some ### put you on...

Posted on Jul 31 2009 10:02 PM by ninja_55

High Speed ADSL Trini.tk Icon
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Hot Topic (New) My blink down since Friday...freeport exchange
using dial up :(
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well seems TSTT having problems AGAIN!!!!! your ping says it all...

Posted on Jul 30 2009 10:17 PM by ninja_55

High Speed ADSL Trini.tk Icon
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New Replies Paradyne 6211 I2 & I3 Firmware Update
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New Firmware... 6211 I2 http://www.zhone.com/support/downloads/cpe/6211-I2/ 6211 I3 http://www.zhone.com/support/downloads/cpe/6211-I3/

Posted on Jul 19 2009 04:46 PM by ninja_55

High Speed ADSL ninja_55 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) WHERE FLOW REACH!?
anybody kno if flow reach chag yet?
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well ppl finallly flow got their site bk on....www.flowtrinidad.com check it out..got all the info u need...digitalized areas and coming soon etc.

Posted on Jul 06 2009 08:28 AM by ninja_55

Flow Internet reyaz01 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) WHAT TSTT DOING TO US (ARGGGG)!!!!!...
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hmm interesting indeed! consider yourself lucky....what blink package you have?

Posted on Jun 01 2009 07:12 PM by ninja_55

High Speed ADSL sprout1976 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) WHAT TSTT DOING TO US (ARGGGG)!!!!!...
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aye how u gettin 17megs on TSTT speedtest MR. I sure...

Posted on Jun 01 2009 05:16 PM by ninja_55

High Speed ADSL sprout1976 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) WHAT TSTT DOING TO US (ARGGGG)!!!!!...
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http://www.speedtest.net/result/482258954.png well not anymore and its 10:42pm which suppose to be...

Posted on May 26 2009 10:42 PM by ninja_55

High Speed ADSL sprout1976 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) WHAT TSTT DOING TO US (ARGGGG)!!!!!...
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well folks FINALLY there is an IMPROVEMENT...question is how long will...

Posted on May 26 2009 07:30 PM by ninja_55

High Speed ADSL sprout1976 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) WHAT TSTT DOING TO US (ARGGGG)!!!!!...
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yuh have ah point there...but d real problem is thier network...its...

Posted on May 26 2009 06:44 PM by ninja_55

High Speed ADSL sprout1976 Icon
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