TSTT Forum: All posts by flint

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All posts by flint

There have been 120 posts by flint

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New Replies Flow Lag troubles T.T
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So i've been investigating the lagging issues for a while... since...

Posted on Mar 21 2012 01:00 AM by flint

Flow Internet flint Icon
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New Replies New to flow internet
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I recently got flow and was digging this up tonight, you...

Posted on Mar 21 2012 12:37 AM by flint

Flow Internet sprout1976 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) High latency for a high number of sites
cogentco.com route is slow & packet loss
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Well i'm not sure who owns Americas I & II (believe...

Posted on Nov 30 2010 10:12 PM by flint

High Speed ADSL admin Icon
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Hot Topic (New) High latency for a high number of sites
cogentco.com route is slow & packet loss
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interesting they said it's their servers and not otherwise .... anyone...

Posted on Nov 28 2010 03:22 PM by flint

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New Replies Stop n Go
Connection stops and resumes
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Still having gateway issues here in Belmont, which require modem reboots. Creating the "Stop and Go" effect...

Posted on Jul 29 2010 08:18 AM by flint

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Hot Topic (New) Blink - drastic slow down
with new IP range 186.45.x.x
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The internet Gateway has been going down periodically in my area,...

Posted on Jul 27 2010 01:45 PM by flint

High Speed ADSL admin Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Blink - drastic slow down
with new IP range 186.45.x.x
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I've realised two things, both line quality here in Belmont has...

Posted on Jul 27 2010 08:36 AM by flint

High Speed ADSL admin Icon
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New Replies Stop n Go
Connection stops and resumes
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This "problem" has been driving me crazy over the past week...

Posted on Jul 27 2010 08:32 AM by flint

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New Replies Open DNS seems down
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TSTT side went down, EDGE also went down and subsequently BB service. Came back up about 9:50am... problem resolved I guess

Posted on Apr 28 2010 10:24 AM by flint

High Speed ADSL flint Icon
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New Replies Open DNS seems down
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8:48am Unable to ping opendns.com and had to switch to tstt's dns anyone else getting this problem?

Posted on Apr 28 2010 08:52 AM by flint

High Speed ADSL flint Icon
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New Replies Beware Conficker worm come April 1st!!
set to update itself-could become spam botnet, steal data, etc.
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YAY !!!!! 2 Hrs 7Mins till it hits !! muhahahahahahahahaha guess who's...

Posted on Mar 31 2009 09:58 PM by flint

Internet General jpf Icon
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New Replies Very low blink download speed (princes town,cedar hill)
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in response to Jay's Post, i took special note of this: 5...

Posted on Mar 31 2009 09:51 PM by flint

High Speed ADSL JAY Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Internet Issues
Internet works in Spurts
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This also affects the Chaguanas Edinbourg Area and environs, not sure...

Posted on Mar 31 2009 09:47 PM by flint

High Speed ADSL chico212 Icon
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New Replies Flow Cable Latency vs. TSTT DSL Latency
Does anyone have apples to apples comparison numbers?
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glad to know we have some kind of statistics here... i'm...

Posted on Mar 28 2009 08:00 PM by flint

High Speed ADSL balthazor Icon
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New Replies Flow Cable Latency vs. TSTT DSL Latency
Does anyone have apples to apples comparison numbers?
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also preferably at peak hours... eg. latency during 5-11pm on blink might be xxx ms

Posted on Mar 22 2009 04:42 PM by flint

High Speed ADSL balthazor Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Blink Speed Boost
Bandwidth Increase
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Torrents went from full 3-500 kb/s down to about 32kb/s during peak hours ... so far that's what i'm observing ...

Posted on Mar 09 2009 11:57 PM by flint

High Speed ADSL microone Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Blink Speed Boost
Bandwidth Increase
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Alright lich I see what you're saying... but didn't you mention...

Posted on Mar 08 2009 10:18 AM by flint

High Speed ADSL microone Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Blink Speed Boost
Bandwidth Increase
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hey lich i dont think you guys are the only ones. For...

Posted on Mar 08 2009 01:53 AM by flint

High Speed ADSL microone Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Youtube problems/other streaming problems
bandwith problems on youtube and other vidfeo streaming websights
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As far as i know alpine ... blink is in piarco, i was there today self lol ^^

Posted on Feb 26 2009 06:40 PM by flint

High Speed ADSL ZulAman Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Youtube problems/other streaming problems
bandwith problems on youtube and other vidfeo streaming websights
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tonight at 9:13pm i'm trying to load 1 video on youtube...

Posted on Feb 02 2009 09:15 PM by flint

High Speed ADSL ZulAman Icon
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New Replies speed test doesn't work
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try speakeasy.net/speedtest i found that one to be more accurate as well as more reliable

Posted on Jan 28 2009 08:28 AM by flint

Internet General fursbarber Icon
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New Replies High Pings on 190.58.xxx.xxx network
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Seems to be a little issue ... today. Dont know who...

Posted on Jan 26 2009 02:47 PM by flint

High Speed ADSL flint Icon
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New Replies Flow Moving to Belmont soon?
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Was wondering cause like 2 days ago I saw a mini...

Posted on Jan 24 2009 09:09 AM by flint

Flow Internet flint Icon
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New Replies confused about Fair User policy
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To my knowledge I have never experienced this contention effect. I...

Posted on Dec 21 2008 11:14 PM by flint

High Speed ADSL fouljuice Icon
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New Replies ADSL Router Reboots
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Simply Disable the DHCP on the router, and make sure it's...

Posted on Dec 14 2008 06:46 AM by flint

High Speed ADSL jod Icon
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