TSTT Forum: All posts by obasi

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All posts by obasi

There have been 5 posts by obasi

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Hot Topic (New) Ports 5060/6000
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Within the last few days, their have been no development that...

Posted on Nov 03 2005 12:36 PM by obasi

High Speed ADSL woodyear99 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Inter-Connectivity
Digicell to TSTT
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Did you all listen to the Radio this morning, i think...

Posted on Nov 03 2005 12:34 PM by obasi

Discussions shamrock72 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Ports 5060/6000
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Well then, I guess we are stuck with the service until other service providers can come up to scratch.

Posted on Nov 03 2005 12:22 PM by obasi

High Speed ADSL woodyear99 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Ports 5060/6000
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Good Day, SIP Devices register on port 5060, well those I have...

Posted on Nov 03 2005 12:16 PM by obasi

High Speed ADSL woodyear99 Icon
  • 22 Replies
New Replies TSTT ADSL PHP complaint script
small script to complain to TSTT
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I don't see this script helping you. Other than having the...

Posted on Jan 17 2005 04:56 PM by obasi

High Speed ADSL Wolfie Icon
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