TSTT Forum: All posts by Aizen

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All posts by Aizen

There have been 30 posts by Aizen

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Hot Topic (New) Is this normal?
Drastic decrease in speed at peak hours
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I have a friend living in the princes town area who...

Posted on Sep 11 2009 08:41 PM by Aizen

Flow Internet Ne05apien Icon
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New Replies Can anyone answer this????
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I believe they are supposed to be using DOCSIS 2.0....

Posted on Sep 06 2009 06:08 AM by Aizen

Flow Internet microone Icon
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New Replies Streaming Video improvement
Is anyone seeing an improvement in youtube,megavid etc?
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Well tonight it seems that youtube is loading faster than usual for this time....but we'll see how it goes !

Posted on Aug 21 2009 08:49 PM by Aizen

High Speed ADSL reyaz01 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) WHERE FLOW REACH!?
anybody kno if flow reach chag yet?
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Qutite intresting....because I had suspected the very same ting !!!! The guy...

Posted on Jul 13 2009 09:15 PM by Aizen

Flow Internet reyaz01 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) WHERE FLOW REACH!?
anybody kno if flow reach chag yet?
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Flow flow flow....your incompetence never ceases to amaze me.... So this morning...

Posted on Jul 11 2009 09:37 AM by Aizen

Flow Internet reyaz01 Icon
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New Replies Something wrong with my download speed
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Try rebooting your router. Also make sure that the site that you...

Posted on Jul 11 2009 06:04 AM by Aizen

High Speed ADSL John Ross Taylor Icon
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Hot Topic (New) WHERE FLOW REACH!?
anybody kno if flow reach chag yet?
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I must admit...I really like the layout of their new site !

Posted on Jul 06 2009 06:21 PM by Aizen

Flow Internet reyaz01 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) WHERE FLOW REACH!?
anybody kno if flow reach chag yet?
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humm interesting...cedar hill isn't too far from me... mabey they will begin...

Posted on Jun 26 2009 08:32 PM by Aizen

Flow Internet reyaz01 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) WHERE FLOW REACH!?
anybody kno if flow reach chag yet?
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You know I would like to share your enthusiasm but unfortunately...

Posted on Jun 24 2009 07:19 PM by Aizen

Flow Internet reyaz01 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) WHERE FLOW REACH!?
anybody kno if flow reach chag yet?
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That is a good question...as I myself would like to know...

Posted on Jun 05 2009 06:39 PM by Aizen

Flow Internet reyaz01 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Blink Speed Boost
Bandwidth Increase
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It isn't actually singled out in grey....it's the scripting on the...

Posted on Mar 12 2009 06:24 PM by Aizen

High Speed ADSL microone Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Blink Speed Boost
Bandwidth Increase
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Yes the speed test on blinks website also reflects the change. Oh...

Posted on Mar 08 2009 08:54 AM by Aizen

High Speed ADSL microone Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Blink Speed Boost
Bandwidth Increase
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I can confirm this as well !!! http://www.speedtest.net/result/422461969.png ...seems as though we...

Posted on Mar 03 2009 10:09 PM by Aizen

High Speed ADSL microone Icon
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New Replies Serious problems with loading most websites with Blink ...
Did TSTT Crash?
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...strange enough I never experienced any of these problems. My connection has been working great....except you tube during peak hours..

Posted on Feb 08 2009 09:15 AM by Aizen

High Speed ADSL Alpine Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Youtube problems/other streaming problems
bandwith problems on youtube and other vidfeo streaming websights
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no what you are experiencing unforgiven isn't tstt fixing the problem...

Posted on Jan 31 2009 06:18 PM by Aizen

High Speed ADSL ZulAman Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Youtube problems/other streaming problems
bandwith problems on youtube and other vidfeo streaming websights
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I was wondering the same thing..... :blink: ...ok that excuse is...

Posted on Jan 29 2009 08:17 PM by Aizen

High Speed ADSL ZulAman Icon
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New Replies Flow In South Trinidad
any recent updates??
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Well flow ran the line down by me in Princess Town...

Posted on Jan 14 2009 12:41 PM by Aizen

Flow Internet Trini IT Student Icon
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New Replies How long to upgrade a blink account?
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I noticed the upgrade each time only after rebooting...

Posted on Dec 01 2008 08:04 PM by Aizen

High Speed ADSL Eroo Icon
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New Replies How long to upgrade a blink account?
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This would be the approach to use. Having upgraded my package 3...

Posted on Nov 30 2008 10:55 AM by Aizen

High Speed ADSL Eroo Icon
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Hot Topic (New) FLOW Increases Speeds to 50MB
WOW now this is a Christmas. lol
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While that may be true alpine and is definitely a good...

Posted on Nov 30 2008 10:45 AM by Aizen

Flow Internet Alpine Icon
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New Replies Hack blink?
Blink working at faster speeds than normal
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More than likely that jump in speed (which actually sounds more...

Posted on Oct 24 2008 05:58 PM by Aizen

High Speed ADSL nitestalker12345 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) problems with p2p programs connecting with blink.
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I am not too familiar with avast but I have used...

Posted on Oct 24 2008 10:35 AM by Aizen

High Speed ADSL angelboy Icon
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Hot Topic (New) whats going on?
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I am having a similar problem here this morning..... I can load...

Posted on Sep 15 2008 01:02 PM by Aizen

High Speed ADSL kakashi Icon
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New Replies Blink package upgrade....
...has anyone here gotten their package upgraded ???
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....after much calls and inquiry....I finally got my upgrade today !!!

Posted on Aug 06 2008 02:04 PM by Aizen

High Speed ADSL Aizen Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Outstanding Blink Applications from June 5th and onwards
Did you apply online and still no blink?
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Indeed. They were actually in front of my house 3 times last...

Posted on Aug 02 2008 11:12 AM by Aizen

High Speed ADSL TSTT Customer Care Icon
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