TSTT Forum: All posts by Jarrod

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All posts by Jarrod

There have been 3 posts by Jarrod

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Hot Topic (New) Mobile Internet
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Its more like 20 kbps with bursts of about 35 kbps. :ph34r:

Posted on Jul 13 2006 10:57 PM by Jarrod

GPRS MaxIsBack Icon
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Hot Topic (New) provider code
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374-12 is bMobile 374-130 is Digicel ;)

Posted on Jun 17 2006 10:20 PM by Jarrod

Mobile phones Lich King Icon
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Hot Topic (New) okay guys, i got something new for you all
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It is possibe on some nokia phones. When I owned...

Posted on Jun 17 2006 10:38 AM by Jarrod

Unlocking Sterling Icon
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