TSTT Forum: All posts by Senti_al

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All posts by Senti_al

There have been 154 posts by Senti_al

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i dont recommend goin in there to get it configured cuz...

Posted on Feb 17 2006 05:31 PM by Senti_al

GSM Issues greall Icon
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i dont have bmobile but they are switching people to it...

Posted on Feb 17 2006 05:22 PM by Senti_al

GSM Issues dinoslayer33 Icon
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surprisingly it works ..and better than vazu ..but i wonder how long till this goes down ;)

Posted on Feb 17 2006 05:13 PM by Senti_al

GSM Issues dinoslayer33 Icon
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a secret XD ...go on a local site (GATT) and theres...

Posted on Feb 17 2006 05:00 PM by Senti_al

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