TSTT Forum: All posts by SUP3R

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All posts by SUP3R

There have been 200 posts by SUP3R

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Hot Topic (New) FLOW comparison
Jamaica vs T&T
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Maybe if South America was more of a 1st world country things would have been different.

Posted on Apr 25 2007 03:46 PM by SUP3R

Flow Internet Trini.tk Icon
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New Replies Digicel doubles subscriberbase in 2006 to 4million
how much is C&B subscriber base?
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so everyone hasn't made a smart choice yet? I thought by now they would have.

Posted on Feb 07 2007 02:41 PM by SUP3R

GSM Issues mario2001 Icon
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New Replies i phone
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I no longer want one, I'll just get something else when...

Posted on Feb 07 2007 02:30 PM by SUP3R

Mobile phones death365 Icon
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New Replies i phone
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I've already got the money put aside for this phone. I...

Posted on Jan 14 2007 10:01 PM by SUP3R

Mobile phones death365 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Digicel letter C
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LOL it's just like the lottery, they're not going to mass...

Posted on Dec 17 2006 11:04 PM by SUP3R

Mobile phones death365 Icon
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New Replies checkin digi balance
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I only use the prepaid roaming for text not calls at all. $1US+/min that is crazy.

Posted on Dec 17 2006 02:49 AM by SUP3R

GSM Issues Sterling Icon
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New Replies For those that have roamed with digicel
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No it doesn't work. The good thing is that when they first...

Posted on Dec 17 2006 02:47 AM by SUP3R

GPRS Sterling Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Digi To tstt down ?
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TATT has gotten proof that TSTT has been blocking calls as...

Posted on Oct 27 2006 11:43 PM by SUP3R

GSM Issues death365 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Pre Paid Roaming
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FINALLY!! Digicel prepaid roaming up and running, but I don't have any...

Posted on Oct 27 2006 11:40 PM by SUP3R

GSM Issues Sterling Icon
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Hot Topic (New) New ISP Columbus Communications
Your take on it
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Here's hoping that competition brings around fair play on TSTT's part....

Posted on Oct 15 2006 06:53 PM by SUP3R

High Speed ADSL Kukka Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Win a Dolce & Gabbana RAZR
sum kindda digicel competition
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Doesn't matter to me period. I don't use MSN, have fun.

Posted on Oct 07 2006 09:29 PM by SUP3R

SMS Kaz6 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Win a Dolce & Gabbana RAZR
sum kindda digicel competition
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Exactly so I don't see your point kemraj, it's a V3i...

Posted on Oct 06 2006 09:59 PM by SUP3R

SMS Kaz6 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Win a Dolce & Gabbana RAZR
sum kindda digicel competition
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Why pay that much for the waste of time phone? Pay much less and get the new KRZR K1.

Posted on Oct 05 2006 06:39 PM by SUP3R

SMS Kaz6 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Win a Dolce & Gabbana RAZR
sum kindda digicel competition
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steups@Dolce & Gabana RAZR What a waste of money phone. I guess...

Posted on Oct 02 2006 10:48 PM by SUP3R

SMS Kaz6 Icon
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New Replies Network congestion
Earth quake sturred up alot of problems
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Actually Trinidad is the powerhouse i found out that last month....

Posted on Sep 29 2006 04:55 PM by SUP3R

GSM Issues mario2001 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) bMobile 850 MHz up and running!
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chaos is POS network get messed up

Posted on Sep 29 2006 04:48 PM by SUP3R

GSM Issues jsm1985 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) bMobile 850 MHz up and running!
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Well like I said I realized when people call me now...

Posted on Sep 28 2006 11:12 PM by SUP3R

GSM Issues jsm1985 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) bMobile 850 MHz up and running!
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So is the 850 up or not cuz people in trini who call me from Belmont still getting poor signal.

Posted on Sep 27 2006 11:18 PM by SUP3R

GSM Issues jsm1985 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Dial up down
Earlier this morning
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switch to Carib-Link, my best bud is gettin a hook up...

Posted on Sep 27 2006 08:16 PM by SUP3R

Dialup Modem Trini.tk Icon
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New Replies Win a house.
Apparently it's a competition.
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Seems it's a new thing they do every few months. LOL@winning a...

Posted on Sep 27 2006 08:13 PM by SUP3R

SMS Trini.tk Icon
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New Replies HSIA Billing
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You can apply for e-service through tstt's website, they'll just call...

Posted on Sep 26 2006 06:30 PM by SUP3R

High Speed ADSL Hexxx Icon
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New Replies my google working but...?????
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Can't you simply create 2 websessions and just use whichever you want whenever you want?

Posted on Sep 26 2006 06:26 PM by SUP3R

GPRS onehotflytrini Icon
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Hot Topic (New) bMobile 850 MHz up and running!
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LOL, Ericsson phones were lame. They were like these square phones...

Posted on Sep 26 2006 06:25 PM by SUP3R

GSM Issues jsm1985 Icon
  • 140 Replies
New Replies Getting billed for service I didn't use.
postpaid bmobile, buzz downloads, sms
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Majority of the time they can but refuse, I have no...

Posted on Sep 26 2006 06:21 PM by SUP3R

GSM Issues Trini.tk Icon
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Hot Topic (New) EDGE
tstt EDGE info
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as shane said it is literally impossible to get a connection...

Posted on Sep 24 2006 12:09 AM by SUP3R

GPRS Newton2006 Icon
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