TSTT Forum: All posts by balthazor

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All posts by balthazor

There have been 29 posts by balthazor

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New Replies Lag during online gaming
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I switched to Flow just for this reason. The pings...

Posted on Nov 10 2009 01:11 PM by balthazor

High Speed ADSL Trini.tk Icon
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New Replies Flow Cable Latency vs. TSTT DSL Latency
Does anyone have apples to apples comparison numbers?
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For those who are curious: The cable modem is just that, a...

Posted on Mar 27 2009 05:35 PM by balthazor

High Speed ADSL balthazor Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Internet Issues
Internet works in Spurts
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This could be the result of a problem in your telephone...

Posted on Mar 27 2009 05:12 PM by balthazor

High Speed ADSL chico212 Icon
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New Replies Flow Cable Latency vs. TSTT DSL Latency
Does anyone have apples to apples comparison numbers?
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Well I emailed them, they called me, and fixed the issue...

Posted on Mar 27 2009 12:09 PM by balthazor

High Speed ADSL balthazor Icon
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New Replies Flow Cable Latency vs. TSTT DSL Latency
Does anyone have apples to apples comparison numbers?
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Well I've got the cable modem hooked up, but the thing...

Posted on Mar 27 2009 09:05 AM by balthazor

High Speed ADSL balthazor Icon
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New Replies Flow Cable Latency vs. TSTT DSL Latency
Does anyone have apples to apples comparison numbers?
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EDIT: Initial Results - Flow is the clear latency winner ___________________________________Blink /...

Posted on Mar 22 2009 11:28 AM by balthazor

High Speed ADSL balthazor Icon
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Hot Topic (New) High Latency / Ping problems
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Does anyone have any apples to apples latency numbers for Flow...

Posted on Mar 15 2009 11:16 PM by balthazor

High Speed ADSL Who Icon
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Hot Topic (New) pricesmart router problem
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I agree with Greall, it kind of sounds like you may...

Posted on Feb 28 2009 10:07 AM by balthazor

High Speed ADSL trixx Icon
  • 14 Replies
New Replies Frequent Short Calls on my Bill - that I've never Cal...
Daily or more frequently, often in the middle of the night
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Well, I'm an ###. I'm using the TSTT e-service to view my...

Posted on Feb 03 2009 04:46 PM by balthazor

Problems with your line balthazor Icon
  • 10 Replies
New Replies Frequent Short Calls on my Bill - that I've never Cal...
Daily or more frequently, often in the middle of the night
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Sorry Dr. T, I may have been unclear; the phone number...

Posted on Jan 27 2009 02:28 PM by balthazor

Problems with your line balthazor Icon
  • 10 Replies
New Replies Frequent Short Calls on my Bill - that I've never Cal...
Daily or more frequently, often in the middle of the night
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My alarm is on a separate phone line altogether, on a...

Posted on Jan 25 2009 06:09 PM by balthazor

Problems with your line balthazor Icon
  • 10 Replies
New Replies Frequent Short Calls on my Bill - that I've never Cal...
Daily or more frequently, often in the middle of the night
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Reviewing my telephone bill shows daily calls, always less than a...

Posted on Jan 25 2009 12:19 PM by balthazor

Problems with your line balthazor Icon
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Hot Topic (New) wireless router
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Greg, I realize your setup is working, but an alternative to using...

Posted on Jan 22 2009 09:54 PM by balthazor

High Speed ADSL Permanent Icon
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Hot Topic (New) High Latency / Ping problems
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Also I pinged the OpenDNS google entry: ping Pinging with 32...

Posted on Nov 24 2008 02:51 PM by balthazor

High Speed ADSL Who Icon
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Hot Topic (New) High Latency / Ping problems
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I'm getting lower pings than that; significantly lower to that google...

Posted on Nov 24 2008 02:48 PM by balthazor

High Speed ADSL Who Icon
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Hot Topic (New) High Latency / Ping problems
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Since they switched to the higher speeds in my area I've...

Posted on Nov 23 2008 12:39 PM by balthazor

High Speed ADSL Who Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Drastic TSTT ADSL2+ improvement
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As of yesterday I'm getting 10m down / 1m up (approximately)...

Posted on Nov 13 2008 07:24 PM by balthazor

High Speed ADSL Alpine Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Serious issues with BLINK
websites not loading
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The whole concept is a bit mind boggling. I guess...

Posted on Nov 12 2008 10:08 PM by balthazor

High Speed ADSL Alpine Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Serious issues with BLINK
websites not loading
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I just saw another of your posts: "For PPPoA with VC/MUX the...

Posted on Nov 12 2008 07:45 PM by balthazor

High Speed ADSL Alpine Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Serious issues with BLINK
websites not loading
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Lich, where are you getting these numbers? I'm not asking...

Posted on Nov 12 2008 07:39 PM by balthazor

High Speed ADSL Alpine Icon
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New Replies Paradyne 6211 + WRT54G
Using the Paradyne Modem as a Bridge (Passthrough Only)
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This won't work, by the way. I tried it. ...

Posted on Jul 15 2008 02:08 PM by balthazor

High Speed ADSL richardm Icon
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New Replies Paradyne 6211 + WRT54G
Using the Paradyne Modem as a Bridge (Passthrough Only)
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Hi Richard, I did this when I first got DSL about 2...

Posted on Jul 15 2008 02:00 PM by balthazor

High Speed ADSL richardm Icon
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New Replies HELP - Linksys Router and Paradyne Setup
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In my opinion, the simplest method is to use the PPP...

Posted on Mar 01 2007 03:55 PM by balthazor

High Speed ADSL evo3 Icon
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New Replies Virtual Server Setting in Paradyne
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I haven't added my 2nd router yet. I'm still using...

Posted on Sep 05 2006 07:35 PM by balthazor

High Speed ADSL Hexxx Icon
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Hot Topic (New) ADSL Down
.. since 10:46
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I've been having intermittent drops in my DSL as well. Annoying.

Posted on Sep 05 2006 11:12 AM by balthazor

High Speed ADSL admin Icon
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