TSTT Forum: All posts by zuke

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All posts by zuke

There have been 59 posts by zuke

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Hot Topic (New) when is tstt going to upgrade?
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the ports there are referring to is actually the number of...

Posted on Oct 01 2007 08:43 PM by zuke

High Speed ADSL Philosophical45 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Flow Doubles Bandwidth (New rates inside)
2mb connection for $390.99
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I agree those game patches and demos are huge, so yes...

Posted on Aug 08 2007 08:57 PM by zuke

Flow Internet philip Icon
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Hot Topic (New) ADSL Problem
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had the same problem a while back and a tstt tech...

Posted on Aug 06 2007 06:47 PM by zuke

High Speed ADSL psychomatic Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Free TSTT ADSL Passwords.
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What's false ? that tstt blocks multiple dsl logins or that using stolen passwords will get you in trouble ?

Posted on Apr 24 2007 09:39 PM by zuke

High Speed ADSL Lich King Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Free TSTT ADSL Passwords.
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u cant use a 512k business password if the account is...

Posted on Apr 18 2007 07:01 PM by zuke

High Speed ADSL Lich King Icon
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New Replies External p2p server
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Running torrentflux on a vps is just asking for trouble. Most...

Posted on Dec 10 2006 02:58 PM by zuke

Internet General admin Icon
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New Replies 256k for those who have 512k+ residential
As of sunday (26 nov 06).
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i agree its only fair to give us 1mbit anything under that should not be called broadband

Posted on Nov 28 2006 02:37 PM by zuke

High Speed ADSL ninja Icon
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New Replies 256k for those who have 512k+ residential
As of sunday (26 nov 06).
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I think it unfair that they capped us twice without any...

Posted on Nov 26 2006 07:50 PM by zuke

High Speed ADSL ninja Icon
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New Replies Offline since Monday - PPP down
PPP does not establish link
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tstt also cut my bandwidth in half today :angry: this...

Posted on Nov 25 2006 08:12 PM by zuke

High Speed ADSL admin Icon
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