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guy_smiley's Profile User Rating: -----

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147 (0.02 per day)
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Flow Internet (105 posts)
20-July 06
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User is offline May 09 2010 10:30 PM

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  1. In Topic: Flow slow down

    Posted 13 Sep 2009

    I'm in woodbrook area.

    Same crappy speeds. Late last week I went into the Flow office and had them downgrade my package to 2 MB.
  2. In Topic: Is this normal?

    Posted 10 Sep 2009

    Tested From:: http://testmy.net/ (Main)
    Test Time:: 2009/09/10 - 5:10pm

    Your connection is: 302 Kbps or 0.3 Mbps
    You downloaded at: 37 kB/s
    You are running: 5 times faster than 56K and can download 1 megabyte in 27.68 second(s)
  3. In Topic: Is this normal?

    Posted 10 Sep 2009

    I've been seeing the same thing for a few weeks now.
    The Columbus POS speedtest gives a perfect 6 MB while other servers (which previously reported 6 MB) are giving 1-2 MB, sometimes less.

    I haven't been doing any heavy downloading recently so I ended up downgrading to 2 MB. If this is what I'm getting when I actually want to use the connection, might as well pay the lower price.

    I assume Flow added a lot of new customers in my area.
  4. In Topic: Trinidad ISP discontinues Internet Services

    Posted 18 Nov 2008

    I remember seeing the wow.net advertisement and going into them. They were just handing out diskettes with trumpet winsock (for windows 3.1) and Netscape. Took it home and was amazed. Blazing speed with a 14.4 modem. They didn't charge anything for about two months and then it was unlimited internet for a flat fee.

    Sad to see one of the first internet providers go but it was inevitable.
  5. In Topic: Bad IP address?

    Posted 18 Nov 2008


    Anyone here ever got a "bad ip address" ?

    Happened to me once. Called FLOW CSR about 4 times. Each time I had to go through the reset modem routine even though I pointed out that I had an IP but could ping only up to their gateway and no further.

    Finally talked to someone who told me I had a bad IP address. Now why they should have non valid IP addresses in their DHCP pool is beyond me, but they do. And when it gets associated with your MAC address, you get the same bad IP everytime.

    He asked if I had another computer I could test with. Connected a laptop and presto... working internet (good IP) Connected my router... bad IP.
    I cloned the MAC address and got my router a good IP.

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Post Machine
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