TSTT Forum: Santos - Viewing Profile

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Santos's Profile User Rating: -----

Reputation: 0 Neutral
Active Posts:
195 (0.03 per day)
Most Active In:
Flow Internet (158 posts)
21-September 06
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User is offline Mar 16 2011 02:55 PM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Slow fluctuating speeds in Cascade?

    Posted 11 Mar 2011

    Anyone can suggest if I should stick with Flow or go to Blink for MMO gaming? Looking for better stable connection and latency.
  2. In Topic: Torrents are painfully slow

    Posted 24 Sep 2008

    I have called and complained about this. Something is wrong with their speeds again. Calling and complaining is the only way to get their attention on this.
  3. In Topic: Flow slow down

    Posted 13 Aug 2008

    When I checked the speeds this morning they had returned to normal but it was horrible all night.
  4. In Topic: Flow slow down

    Posted 12 Aug 2008

    Please call and complain about the speeds before they close at 8pm. They don't believe me when I'm the only one calling in and complaining. The more that do it the faster they will take it seriously and fix it.
  5. In Topic: Flow slow down

    Posted 12 Aug 2008

    Anyone getting crap speeds in Cascade right now? My bandwidth is about 300kbps

My Information

Member Title:
Board Warrior
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown

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