TSTT Forum: CapeMayGrrl - Viewing Profile

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CapeMayGrrl's Profile User Rating: -----

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Active Posts:
102 (0.02 per day)
Most Active In:
High Speed ADSL (74 posts)
23-March 08
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User is offline Sep 28 2015 06:41 AM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Megaupload/Megavideo not loading

    Posted 21 Feb 2010

    Is anyone else having a hard time with Megaupload and Megavideo? They're not loading at all for me. I used the site http://downforeveryoneorjustme. com/ And they said it's just me, and that the sites weren't down...
  2. OneClickHosts - are they safe?

    Posted 16 Jul 2009


    Is downloading from Megaupload and Rapidshare safe? Now the MPAA or RIA go after North Americans and Europeans for piracy issues, but I have never heard of South America/Caribbean/Asia or anywhere like that. Does anyone know if TSTT or FLOW was ever approached by these organizations to actually go after people?
  3. Blink Billing

    Posted 27 Apr 2009


    I was wondering when the Blink bills come out. I haven't received one yet (I was first connected on April 4th) so it's still early but I was wondering when to expect one.

    Now according to eService my old dialup account's April 21st bill has been generated at the full price. Now I had that service disconnected on the same date (April 4th). SO paying full price for a service I only used for two weeks that billing period is ridiculous!

    When you upgrade from dialup to Blink do they merge the bill or are you supposed to get two separate bills?
  4. Authentication Failed. All of a sudden.

    Posted 8 Apr 2009

    Around 5p last night the red alarm light came on my modem/router while my mother was internet surfing. Then nothing was happening online, I went to look at the modem's status and it said in the Device-WAN section "Authentication Failed". I figured the dsl was down or something so I left it alone. When I woke up this morning and saw it was still saying it, I decided to call TSTT. At 9a I got the help desk (a Trinidadian this time, thank GOD!) and he reset my password and got it running again. He didn't tell why it happened or what would have caused it. Has that happened to anyone here? Do any of you know why that would all of a sudden just happen?

  5. Best Wireless Security

    Posted 6 Apr 2009

    Well I am getting a good handle on this whole new world of Hi Speed Internet! I am luvin' it! B)

    Now I have two computers: an iMac and PowerBook (which is a laptop for those not familiar with Apple Macs). The iMac is connected via the Ethernet port and my PowerBook I am connected wirelessly via my AirPort Extreme 802.1g card. NOW, our family (presently) is the only house in the village with Blink so for right now I am on an open channel (with my access point hidden). Which security encryption is the best? WEP, WPA, WPA2, bla bla bla. What do you all suggest?

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Advanced Member
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown

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