TSTT Forum: looseskrew - Viewing Profile

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looseskrew's Profile User Rating: -----

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Active Posts:
3 (0 per day)
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Flow Internet (2 posts)
24-May 04
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User is offline Oct 05 2008 06:30 PM
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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Another Flow torrent thread

    Posted 5 Oct 2008

    thanks alot for the feedback.

    i didnt know the "anti leech" thing with utorrent, and that seems to be the problem, default my upload was set to 3kb..which is y i was mostly getting 18 dl...

    also i guess it's really the seeds that are affecting my download speed, i downloaded a heavily seeded file and got like 200-210 on it.. pretty kool (sucks when yuh using rapidshare and accustom to getting 600-700kb though lol)

    anyway, think is meh partners with their "port forwarding" talk just confuffle meh lol.

    laterz, thanks!
  2. In Topic: They admit it!

    Posted 24 May 2004

    tstt holds back on their bandwith, ive seen the speeds at their departments and it flies!!!, they shud try to organise more bandwith for us!

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