TSTT Forum: Vishal - Viewing Profile

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Vishal's Profile User Rating: -----

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226 (0.03 per day)
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GPRS (101 posts)
15-October 06
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User is offline Jun 18 2011 03:53 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Motorola v360

    Posted 29 Jun 2007

    Hey i have a motorola v360, there iz a problem with my camera, and i want to change it, its pretty simple cause i done it on other phone before, but now the only problem is im not to sure on how to open the flip of the phone(u know the half the has the camera and lcds), i dont want to try because i dont want to risk scratching it...can anyone instruct me on how exactly to open it?...thanks alot.
  2. LG c2000

    Posted 14 Jan 2007

    Hey i have a lg c2000 from cingular....but its locked to cingular alone, so its useless locked in trinidad......can someone help me unlock it?......i dont really know anything about lg phones....it will be much appreciated....... :)
  3. Motorola v3i

    Posted 13 Dec 2006

    Hey i reasently got a motorola v3i from digicel and i wana unlock it so i can use it on both networks, can anyone help me with this please?.......i know ill hav to flash or flex but im askin for instructions on how exactly do i go about doing this.....all i need are the instructions for it an ill get it done, ive done lots of seem editing and simple modding before so ill pick up easily with ur help.......i really hope u all can help me on this......it will be greatly appreciated......
  4. Motorola Unlocking

    Posted 20 Nov 2006

    Hey does anyone know how to unlock motorola phone? (vXXX And v3x preferably)
    I notice digicel are selling alot of cheap motorola phones, but all are locked to there network only.......Iz there a way to unlock them?...... :ph34r:
  5. Unlimited Money

    Posted 23 Oct 2006

    Hey u all ever heard of a ghost phone or a freeze card?....well a ghost phone as they call it iz really a SIM card that has no "number" so therefore no one can call u...but u can mak unlimited calls to anywhere for free...i know this iz an illegal ting workers in tstt does do...but u all know anyting bout it?...
    Aye any of u ever seen people bmobile prepaid phone with like...$500,000 or $69,000 or $900,000 (my point iz real money!) on it?... i know this fella bought a normal "phone card" from a store in siparia (i dont know wat value i waz...maybe $20 or $30..waznt much) an when he put it in hiz phone he go like $900,000 in his account....and this mony doesnt go down...he cant "credit" anyone this money or change it in anyway....by he can call ANYWHERE or text anyone...u can say for FREE cuz the money doesnt go down....i heard of a few people diz has happened to...they call thiz a "freeze card"...anyone know anyting about these tings?... :ph34r:

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Board Warrior
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown

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