TSTT Forum: Terabyte - Viewing Profile

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Terabyte's Profile User Rating: -----

Reputation: 0 Neutral
Active Posts:
14 (0 per day)
Most Active In:
High Speed ADSL (13 posts)
24-August 05
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User is offline Sep 09 2008 12:03 AM
Icon   Terabyte has not set their status

Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: internet connection sharing and paradyne

    Posted 27 Dec 2007

    View Post dean_spleen09, on Dec 27 2007, 05:33 PM, said:

    can anyone tell me how to set up a paradyne modem to share internet between 2 computers please ?
    the paradyne is connected via usb , and the 2 computers via crossover cable , but when i enable the lan for the 2 computers
    the internet stops working
    can it be done without a ethernet switch or do i need to purchase one ?
    if i need to purchase 1 , can someone tell me how to set it up please , thanks alot

    You need to enable internet connection sharing. Open 'Network Connections' in the control panel on the computer that is directly connected to the paradyne. Run the network setup wizard. If the lan cable is unplugged, just check the box that says 'ignore disconnected media'. Make sure to check 'this computer connects directly to the internet...etc'. The lan connection is the one to be shared. You can choose to enable file and printer sharing if you wish.

    On the other computer make sure that the 'obtain an IP address automatically' button is selected in the TCP/IP section of the lan connection properties. You can even run the network setup wizard on this machine if you wish. Just make sure to chose 'this computer conects through a gateway or another computer'

    Just presuming that you are running XP...
  2. In Topic: Flow Upgrade

    Posted 1 Nov 2007

    http://www.speedtest. ..t/197944141.png
  3. In Topic: Does DSL use the spare Y Blk pairs?

    Posted 23 Aug 2006

    dude....same red & green pair. some more info....
  4. In Topic: Ping Issue

    Posted 21 Jan 2006

    C:\Documents and Settings\tera>tracert www.tstt.net.tt

    Tracing route to tstt.net.tt []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
    2 18 ms 20 ms 19 ms tservq.tstt.net.tt []
    3 20 ms 19 ms 19 ms routf.tstt.net.tt []
    4 20 ms 19 ms 19 ms route.tstt.net.tt []
    5 21 ms 22 ms 20 ms
    6 22 ms 21 ms 29 ms ns8.tstt.net.tt []

    Trace complete.

    C:\Documents and Settings\tera>tracert yahoo.com

    Tracing route to yahoo.com []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
    2 19 ms 19 ms 19 ms tservq.tstt.net.tt []
    3 20 ms 19 ms 20 ms route.tstt.net.tt []
    4 89 ms 90 ms 91 ms bar1-serial4-1-0.Miami.savvis. net [
    5 78 ms 79 ms 79 ms sl-bb21-orl-0-0.sprintlink. net []
    6 99 ms 99 ms 99 ms sl-bb20-atl-2-0.sprintlink. net []
    7 94 ms 93 ms 96 ms sl-bb22-atl-14-0.sprintlink. net []

    8 113 ms 112 ms 111 ms sl-bb23-fw-13-0.sprintlink. net []
    9 139 ms 139 ms 138 ms sl-bb23-ana-11-2.sprintlink. net []
    10 148 ms 148 ms 149 ms sl-bb25-sj-3-0.sprintlink. net []
    11 152 ms 151 ms 152 ms
    12 151 ms 152 ms 152 ms sl-teleg-6-0.sprintlink.net []
    13 150 ms 150 ms 151 ms ix-2-0.core2.PDI-PaloAlto. Teleglobe.net [64.86.8
    14 151 ms 150 ms 150 ms ge-4-0-0-p451.msr2.scd.yahoo. com [
    15 163 ms 151 ms 150 ms ten-2-3-bas2.scd.yahoo.com []
    16 150 ms 150 ms 149 ms w2.rc.vip.scd.yahoo.com []

    Trace complete.

    but that's just me.....btw internet was down yesterday for quite a while
  5. In Topic: ADSL Down

    Posted 18 Jan 2006

    i experienced a short outage (a couple minutes or so) around 11.45AM...can anyone confirm this?

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