TSTT Forum: joel - Viewing Profile

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joel's Profile User Rating: -----

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164 (0.03 per day)
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Flow Internet (109 posts)
30-June 07
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User is offline Feb 09 2010 01:38 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Private VPN for Hulu Access...Anyone Interested?

    Posted 15 Oct 2009

    I am currently looking at a linux VPS (hosted in a Florida Datacenter) for unrestricted access to Hulu, Pandora, NBC, ABC, CBS etc using openvpn. I am currently looking for no more than 10 - 15 individuals to share this cost with. The server has 100mbit uplink, 1tb data transfer, dual core processors etc. Currently we will be looking at $5 USD a month via Paypal. If you are interested please give me a shout.
  2. Flow Download Speeds Outside of Trinidad

    Posted 7 Jun 2008

    Hi guys, I have been having a ton of problems with my 15MB connection lately. When I call tech support they tell me to go to speedtest and use Port of Spain server. I usually get around 10mbit on the download. If I do a speed test on any other servers I cannot get above 1mbit. Can anyone here with a flow connection please do a speedtest at http://testmy.net/sp... d_speedtest.php and let me know the results. This is getting a bit ridiculous, the fact fo the matter is that when I downlaod or stream is is typically around 100k/sec. Not 15mbit by any means.
  3. Cool things to do with your 6mbit and 15mbit connection!

    Posted 28 Nov 2007

    Thought this would be an interesting discussion.

    Just purchased a sling box solo...now I can access my flow cable tv from anywhere on the planet. Quality is amazing, I can even stream very watchable content using my Blackberry Edge.

    If anyone on flow wants to test it out for a couple minutes let me know.

    I also have Twonky Media Server connected to a NAS setup in my home. I access it thought a VPN server I have setup. I now have access too all my media files from anywhere I have net access.

    Daaamn, I'm such a nerd
  4. My Blink Broadband experience

    Posted 2 Nov 2007


    Hi All,

    Well I was finally updated to */"Blink Broadband"/*, TSTT's new ADSL2 internet service, last Monday. The upgrade is supposed to provide 2MB (2,000K) download and 512K upload speeds. My previous DSL provided 256K download and 128K upload, so this should have resulted in a 800% download speed increase and a 400% upload speed increase. So then, after three days of use, what's the verdict?

    Initial performance tests at <http://www.speedtest.net> showed the following:
    The "ping" time (the time taken to initiate a connection) was slower than my previous DSL account. The download speed measured around 1.6MB (1,600K). The upload speed was around 400K. In theory, aside from the ping time, this is a vast speed increase and in practice it would be if it worked correctly. In reality, I now spend more time waiting for a response before a web page starts to load than it takes to load the page itself. A /lot/ more time... like 20-30 seconds after clicking the link. Couple that with extremely inconsistent performance where it sometimes works as I described (badly) and other times there is no response whatsoever, requiring that I disconnect the Speedstream modem just to (sometimes) get back to the same bad state.

    As I write this I cannot browse the net nor send/receive e-mail and its been so for at least the last hour and counting. I'll probably have to send this through */Green Dot/* later.

    My conclusion is that either:

    (1) TSTT are having a lot of trouble getting things working, or...
    (2) They don't know what they're doing, or...
    (3) They're pulling the wool over everyone's eyes.

    Anyone else having a similar /*"Blink"*/ experience? I'd like to know. And if any of the over eight hundred of you who are receiving this happens to be employed with TSTT, can you throw some light on this?
    The ISP competition is heating up and */Flow/* is starting to look really good at the moment, so all who have a vested interest should be pulling up their socks.

  5. TSTT DSL (Is username tied to phone number?)

    Posted 19 Oct 2007

    Quick question here...is your DSL username tied to the phone line used to access the service? I stopped one of my DSL accounts, but still have 2 modems. Can I use my existing username / password at the 2 locations? I know I will not be able to use them both at the same time but just wondering if it was possible.

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