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philip's Profile User Rating: -----

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100 (0.02 per day)
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GSM Issues (29 posts)
26-July 06
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User is offline Apr 09 2012 04:08 PM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: BB 8520 USB/Charging Port repair

    Posted 22 Nov 2010

    Hey guys - still hoping for a response here :)
  2. In Topic: People not hearing me

    Posted 29 Apr 2009

    there are earlier threads about this a couple years ago.
    if interested, you may be able to find them using the search function.

    Bottom line: there is some unexplained problem where all 6230 and 6230i work flawlessly on the digicel network and give the problem you mention on the bmobile network.
  3. In Topic: pricesmart router problem

    Posted 27 Feb 2009

    I had a similar problem with my belkin wireless modem and at the end after much research and trying all ways to solve the problem I just got rid of it and got a Netgear and the problem went away.

    My suggestion to you is to stay with Netgear or Linksys -the other brands dont seem to be very stable.

    Not a very scientific answer, i know, but this is what 'experience' has shown
  4. In Topic: FLOW vs BLINK

    Posted 21 May 2008

    I'm in westmoorings - mine is pretty stable - the few outages we've had have been around the time of an upgrade back at their head office, but it usually settles down quickly thereafter and remains stable
  5. In Topic: Problems with Buffalo wireless router on Flow

    Posted 9 May 2008

    View Post ninja_billy, on May 9 2008, 03:27 PM, said:

    got to give a little more info what setting is/are the router using

    Not sure all what you need, but start with this and let me know what else I can tell you

    "Acquire an IP Address Automatically from a DHCP Server" is ON

    DHCP IP Address Pool is for up tp 64 adresses

    IP Address
    Subnet Mask
    Default Gateway (Via DHCP)
    DNS1(Primary) (Via DHCP)
    DNS2(Secondary) (Via DHCP)
    Host Name newpc (Via DHCP)
    Domain Name flowtrinidad.com (Via DHCP)
    MTU Size 1500
    DHCP Server Address
    Lease Acquired Time 2008/05/09 20:56:02
    Lease Period 2008/05/09 21:56:02

    IP Address
    Subnet Mask
    DHCP Server Enabled

    Wireless(802.11g) Wireless Status MAC Access Control
    SSID Buffalo51

    Encryption Mode Not Configured
    Wireless Channel 1Channel (Auto)
    125* High Speed Mode Enabled

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Advanced Member
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown

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