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  1. In Topic: Blink Wireless To Be Launched in November

    Posted 27 Nov 2008

    [quote name='CapeMayGrrl' date='Nov 25 2008, 01:53 PM' post='19108']
    Does anyone know how much it costs per month??? What are the price plans? I am having trouble getting through to TSTT.

    Blink is still not in my area and I am so desperate for some kind of decent internet service! Dialup is getting worse and worse!

    sign up fee $600.00
    month to month $575.00
    1yr contract $550
    2yr '' $500

    Monthly Allowance Mega Bytes (MB)/ month 200 / every additional megabyte $0.40
    If you take a month to month you must pay for terminal device $1200

    Posted 29 May 2008

    View Post Lich King, on May 28 2008, 10:36 PM, said:

    Looks like your ! and caps lock buttons are broken. Secondly name 1 business that is suffering as you claimed, provide contact information and location too because I going to check it out. Thirdly can't you tell the difference between a Pakistani and an Indian accent? That is to demonstrate the level of your research into your claims. Where is this half of the customers with problems? If that half of the customers includes yourself then switch to Greendot or FLOW if you are not satisfied with your current service, any smart person would switch provider if they are not satisfied. Since you claim that money and being poor have nothing to do with it then let the half of TSTT customers with problems switch to Greendot or WOW or Carib-Link or Flow and pay whatever it costs. Before you come with silly thoughts like lack of availability I can assure you that Greendot signal reaches everywhere that Digicel can take them.

    Apparently you think the internet is a magical world where things work happily ever after, well it isn't, and what a coincidence other ISPs around the world have troubled customers too. :o I am utterly in shock, who would have thought that people in 1st world countries could experience internet problems and also call their ISP help for tech support? Oh and for your businesses that you claim are suffering because of TSTT why don't you tell us how many of them are paying for a business dsl connection? You think that business dsl costs so much for style? How about you use google a bit and find out why business dsl costs more than residential dsl, while you at it find out why it is a bad idea for businesses to use residential dsl. Since you mention that "DSL don't work that way dude", tell us how dsl does work if you please.

    Also if you need a new keyboard to buy I can sell you one, none of the buttons are broken, brand new.

    MAYBE I REALLY NEED THAT KEYBOARD AFTER ALL !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!
    BUT WHAT I NEED MOST IS MY DSL WORKING !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!
    !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!

    Posted 28 May 2008

    View Post Lich King, on May 28 2008, 05:07 PM, said:

    What a useless thread this is. In case you did not know, celebrating success no matter how small is not something bad. It should be done to motivate and encourage those involved to continue to work hard to achieve higher goals. If you want to talk about useless celebrating then go beat down all them useless people who sit down in rum shop whole day and waste their lives away. Go beat down the people who does can't wait to get paid so they could drink away their money and then go home and beat their wife and children when it have no food to eat. Don't get me started, posting something like what you did was not well thought of and does not seem to be of any use to anyone. I suggest you sit in a corner and think about your actions.

    I think TSTT current plan working well, you have any idea what pecent of the population is poor or lower middle class? It is a high number for sure, more people will prefer to pay $80 for 256K than $189 for 2Mbps. Especially when all you need to do is surf the web, TSTT will acquire the larger market share without a doubt. Also FLOW has an ongoing problem and they don't seem to want to fix it, they can't count you see. For many years Flow's billing system simply cannot count correctly so why would I want to do business with a company that cannot do simple math? Every month my cable tv bill does charge me late fees and every month my bill is paid on time, I save all my credit card statements to prove it. I never paying them a single cent in late fees so let them keep accumulating it if they want. See when my TSTT bills come, they always balance correctly TSTT sure knows how to add numbers well, atleast I don't have to hurt my brain to keep track of accountability when it comes to TSTT. Not to mention Flow has some illegal charging practices, yes I call them illegal because when you authorise a company to charge your credit card a certain amount each month you sign a paper for a certain amount only, each time Flow changes their prices they don't even bother to have you authorise the transaction, they just charge you like them is king. So they could charge your credit card as they well want without authorization which I call illegal.

    your response seems useless to me!!!!! !! this has nothing to do with poor people,rum shops or wife beaters. tstt needs to provide customers WITH PROPER SERVICE . Tstt is not doing us a favor we pay for these services with our hard earned money,give us what we rightfully deserve thats what the issue is about. you need to get the facts, half of blink customer base have to call the help desk every time they put their computers on BECAUSE THEY CANNOT CONNECT. WHEN YOU FINALLY GET THEM ITS A BUNCH OF PAKISTANI WHO TELLS YOU A TECHNICIAN WILL VISIT YOUR HOME FOR A PROBLEM THAT NEEDS TO BE FIXED AT THE EXCHANGE . DSL don't work that way dude. BUSINESSES ARE SUFFERING, WAKE UP ITS REAL. YES YOU CAN GET STARTED :angry: :angry:

    Posted 28 May 2008

    View Post greall, on May 28 2008, 07:54 AM, said:

    Monopolies don't generally reduce prices and that's basic economics... :blink:

    TSTT was a monopoly provider for years when telecommunication services were expensive and I doubt that Digicel or Flow would've survived in the 1980s when there were few connectivity options to Miami which is the focal point for all telecom connections in this part of the world.

    Telecom costs have decreased somewhat through technological advancement and I admit that TSTT should've changed their tune then but that's a topic that'll end up in politics.

    We have Blink,Flow and other Internet access providers like LISA,Greendott,etc. now and with greater choices, an INFORMED customer can now subscribe to any of these companies' services.I 'm a firm believer in the customer choosing which service best suits his needs and satisfies his selection criteria.

    We wanted choice and now we have it.Each Internet access technology has its own limitations and advantages and the customer decides what he wants.

    That being said,I'm in no rush to hang Mr. Deane who's simply doing his job as mandated by his superiors.


    we need a service that works simple!!!! !!!!!! !! this is not just about price it about a service that works!!!!! ! i had dsl from the inception and never had any complains until migrated to blink in 2007 ,soo because its now more affordable ,when you disconnect frequently, cant authenticate and a host other problems.just roll over and play dead .

    Posted 27 May 2008

    View Post admin, on May 27 2008, 09:40 PM, said:

    fortgranhot, you joined the forum just a few days ago and immediately started ignoring our forum rules (e.g. #1).
    In addition, this forum is not a political forum. Please use a different forum for that matter!
    Well, and post into the correct topic or add topics into the correct forum. This topic for instance did not fall into 'Mobile Services/GPRS' at all!

    I am also a bit at loss why all this bashing against T.D. I am a ADSL subscriber since 2003 and nothing really happened between 2003 and October 2007. But since we have T.D. in place ... we got Blink, much lower pricing, many more options, newer technology (ADSL2+), 6GB email space, lowest 256k package etc.
    Is this maybe related to the very common local greed? ... get more, more, more

    Point Taken!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!! <_<

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