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Problems with your line (7 posts)
02-August 07
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User is offline Aug 24 2009 03:54 PM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: WHERE FLOW REACH!?

    Posted 9 Jun 2009

    Does anyone know if FLOW has reached Point Fortin as yet?

    I am currently at the end of my rope with TSTT/BLINK and would very much like to take my ADSL modem and throw it at them, but I have not heard any talk of FLOW's movements in implementing the digital service for quite some time.

  2. In Topic: Constant Phone Line Malfunction

    Posted 9 Jun 2009

    Ahhh once again I am back here. There has been no resolution to this ongoing problem and TSTT is now telling me that my ADSL will not work properly if the line is not fixed. I asked how I could have a dial tone but no ADSL, but there was no forthcoming response. I was told that there was some major line repir to be done on our line and of course the technician would see to this in 1-5 working days. This was in the month of March.

    After making numerous reports and patiently waiting and continuing to pay my phone bill. I called TSTT once again on 8th June 2009. I was told by the young lady that answered that she would put in another report and once again the technician may take 1-5 working days to respond. Naturally I asked if 1-5 working days was the same as 1-5 working months, but no response was forthcoming from said young lady.

    I have had 3 projects and numerous research subjects and deadlines come and go in this time while I continue to pay TSTT for a service that I am not receiving.

    Can anyone out there PLEASE HELP with this? I am really at my rope's end with this phoneline/ADSL problem.
  3. In Topic: Constant Phone Line Malfunction

    Posted 4 Aug 2008

    View Post Steffen, on Jul 31 2008, 10:22 PM, said:

    TATT? Man, please. What I have to say about TATT after my 2 experiences with them could fill an entire forum. Suffice to say that they are yet another useless political tool. Save your stamp and envelope - they are completely powerless when it comes to compelling TSTT to step up its service or resolve customer complaints.

    I have been having problems with my landline for a year now. Dealing with the CSR department is an exercise in frustration and a lesson in poor work ethic. You want some action? Do what I did. Write a nice detailed letter about your problem and send it directly to the CEO, Mr Roberto Peon. He seems to be the only one in that company that is actually interested in improving the customer service. He'll pass it on to the manager of CS, Charmaine Mark, and she'll do her best to help you.

    Mind you, don't expect to get the problem sorted out immediately. But Ms Mark will at least pursue the matter and keep in touch with you. An organization can't function properly unless ALL employees make an effort. TSTT has yet to learn that lesson.

    Hope this information is of some use to you.

    Did this really work for you? If so, what is the full address? Should it be mailed or e-mailed? I have been through the exercises in frustration and it is a daily frustration for me. As you can see I was not able to respond to any of your posts in a timely manner as a result of this. I have thought of giving up the phone line but as I said I need ADSL for my degree and later my Masters so that is not a real option for me. Now I have a further problem. The ADSL contract came to an end and and they have put me on the month to month plan (which is more expensive) without even contacting me. I wrote to them, no response and the CSR says they can do nothing on their end (What is with these foreign sounding CSRs and Technicians?)
  4. In Topic: HELP: Status Light Blinking

    Posted 11 Jun 2008

    View Post ninja_billy, on Jun 11 2008, 12:20 PM, said:

    seems like they are still working on your line try to be patient, as logging more error messages with tstt may lengthen the process as they don't really have direct contact with the technicians and the delay between messages may cause confusion.

    Really? Sounds to you like they are working on it? The same people that keep telling me that their records show everything is up and running? The same people that always shocked when I make a report because 'the technician say he fix that...It not working?' Okay then
  5. In Topic: TSTT M.I.A.

    Posted 13 Aug 2007


    The line came up for one day (Friday 10th). Depending on which CSR I speak to, a technician may or may not have fixed the line. Spoke to one yesterday to tell him that my line was now sounding line there was some heavy rain falling on it and he told me that a technician repaired the line (now what that have to do with the fact that my line have static?). I ask him whether he could hear me properly seeing that I was calling from the said line. 'Ole boy' say he barely hearing me but a technician fixed the line (What??). I told him no one came by me to fix any line, no one called. He says 'well dey could fix it from here yuh know' (these are the same people tell me they can't despatch a technician to my area, suddenly he don't have to come to fix it.

    Anyway, I call today and believe it or not the CSR tell me no one has been despatched to fixed the line but she well put urgent on it (same thing the other 10 CSRs say).

    I give up!!!

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Age Unknown
February 12
Point Fortin

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