TSTT Forum: trinishack - Viewing Profile

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trinishack's Profile User Rating: -----

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Problems with your line (17 posts)
23-April 08
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User is offline Sep 07 2011 01:19 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Problems with blink broadband

    Posted 17 Aug 2010

    Helllo all.

    You may remember me from THIS PREVIOUS POST . Well my blink has worked somewhat well since they came and changed the entire cable from my house to the pole.

    Now i'm back to say ... its crapped out again. I've made 4 reports over the past 3 months and tstt seems to not be able to fix the problem.

    Issue :

    Phone line working perfectly - not static , no noise , dsl filter in place....
    INTERNET : DEAD as in nothing working... then wait its works .. WHOWEEEE ..... no wait its dead again .... NO wait look msn is signed in ... damit got signed out

    So basically the internet is in and out and its frustrating the shit out of me gain.

    Can you kind ppl help a brother out .. i realy use my net for work...

  2. Problems wil Evdo billing

    Posted 27 Jan 2010

    SO listen to this one. I was one of the lucky people who were offered the evdo unit when it was first launched a few years ago. Unfortunately it did not work at my home ... i had to return it. No reception.

    I am being billed for a unit i do not have. I recieve a bill every month. I went into the office three times begging for them to fix the issue. Each time i was told it would be sorted out. Guess what !!

    Here i am 3 years later with a bill for 22 000 $ And a letter from tstt threatening me to send debt collectors if i do not pay.


    I called 8248788 was told to come in the office it would be resolved.Hellll no i wasted 3 day trying that !

    I called the credit manager directly ... he cant help me. I need to get a letter from my company saying i returned .. why is that ?

    So i have to explain TSTT 's incompetence to them in a letter.

    We have a new sales rep now and she has been trying 3 days now to get this resolved.

    Maybe i have to be jailed and sue them to get them to understand i do not have the unit....

    There are also 5 other people who were issued the same letters and never had evdo units.. they only applied for them..

    What should i do now !
  3. help please line down 4 months +

    Posted 27 Feb 2009

    Can anyone here help me. I havent had phone service for over 4+ months... however my internet was working up until last month. I reported the issue to tstt 3 times and i keep getting promises that some one would come and check my line.

    What can i do now.

    I'm a it person and i realy need internet at home. Due to my location blink is the only option. I need internet at home...

    please tell me what can i do.


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