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High Speed ADSL (16 posts)
18-November 08
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User is offline Jan 01 2010 02:55 AM

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Topics I've Started

  1. FLOW WiFi hotspots

    Posted 18 Jul 2009


    This weekend, be one of the first to test Flow’s new WiFi HotSpots!

    Feel free to head down to any of the following Rituals, Pizza Boys, Vie de France and Churches Chicken outlets with your laptop and browse for FREE!

    1. Rituals - Independence Sq, POS
    2. Rituals - Uptown Mall
    3. Rituals - Briar Place
    4. Rituals - Nicholas Towers
    5. Rituals - Maraval Road
    6. Rituals - St James
    7. Rituals - West Mall
    8. Rituals – Price Plaza
    9. Rituals – City Gate
    10. Rituals – Fredrick Street
    11. Rituals – High Street, San Fernando
    12. Rituals – Trincity
    13. Rituals – UWI
    14. Rituals – ValPark
    15. Rituals / Churches Chicken – El Socorro
    16. Food Court - Glencoe
    17. Food Court - Grand Bazzar
    18. Food Court - Pointe a Pierre
    19. Food Court – Pt. Fortin
    20. Food Court – Pt. Lisas
    21. Food Court – Maraval
    22. Food Court – Mt. Hope
    23. Food Court- Chaguanas
    24. Churches Chicken – Port of Spain
    25. Pizza Boys / Churches Chicken – Sangre Grande
    26. Pizza Boys – Arima
    27. Pizza Boys – Princes Town
    28. Pizza Boys – San Fernando
    29. Pizza Boys / Rituals – Arouca
    30. Pizza Boys / Rituals – Cunupia
    31. Pizza Boys / Rituals – Siparia
    32. Pizza Boys / Rituals - Trincity
    33. Pizza Boys - Piarco (Upstairs)

    When logging on, enter the following WiFi SSID: Flow_FSpot

    Please note that we are in test mode so your feedback is important. Email comments to flowwifi@columbustrinidad. com.

  2. new Flow website

    Posted 22 Mar 2009

    flow finally updating their website but for now there is an even less informative flash free site.
  3. How does an area get converted to digital?

    Posted 22 Jan 2009

    Dont know if this was asked before but what is the procedure for flow to convert an area to digital and for tstt to get an area blink-ready? And also what requirements (educational,academic,physical. ....etc) must a person/s have, to be able to do this? Because as it seems, it is either a very, very, very long, tedious, complicated and frustrating process, or the staff is not very well trained. And yes i am seriously considering working for either of them IF i get the opportunity because at least then i would be able to know that work is being done, instead of having to wait for google site to load and then having to hear "Jes now", "Not yet" or "Soon" when i call to ask what is status of my location.
  4. confused about Fair User policy

    Posted 21 Dec 2008

    The website http://blinkbroadband.tt/ fair_use.html says that:

    "A Fair Usage Policy - FUP, is intended to assure that all broadband customers enjoy the same experience and have access to a quick and reliable service at all times.......etc etc................During peak hours, customers affected by the fair usage policy will share bandwidth with each other and will be separated from
    other customers. The amount of bandwidth available for affected customers to share will be at least as much as for those customers unaffected by the
    policy........etc........The speed affected customers experience when downloading at peak hours will therefore depend on what these customers are doing. If they
    are all web-browsing and reading emails, they will experience normal broadband speed. If on the other hand they are using Peer to Peer or file sharing software
    they will experience slow broadband speed. Outside of peak hours, no restrictions will apply. <--------(1)

    Then it says "Customer's average usage per day shall NOT exceed 4Gb of data volume transmitted (total upload and download usage)." <-------(2)

    And then it says "As soon as the average over the previous 3 days falls below the threshold limits above then your speed will increase. Customers could manage their usage simply by ensuring that any file sharing, sending and receiving of large file is done outside of
    peak hours.
    " <--------(3)

    And of course there is this table:
    |average daily data usage over previous 3 days | download speed
    |< 4 GB daily | Full speed
    |> 4 GB daily | Increase contention

    So basically how does this work?
    I have to choose between the 512kbps and the 1mbps connection and i want to know which makes more sense disregarding the cost.
    So if i cross the 4GB limit in less than 24hrs, would i experience slowdown all the time from the time i cross 4Gb(according to (2) and the table), or only during peak hours(according to (1)). Does it mean that you are only allowed 4GB per day regardless of the time or can i download freely outside of peak hours thus crossing the 4GB limit?
    If it is 4GB/day regardless of the time then 1mbps would be useless since a 512k connection would be able to download roughly 5.5GB in 24hrs while a 1mb would dl about 11GB assuming the full speed.
  5. Blink in Princes Town. yes/no?

    Posted 20 Nov 2008

    Can somebody PLEASE tell me whether or not this Blink Broadband nonsense is available to me?

    The blink website, newspaper ads, flyers from TSTT and even this post http://tsttproblems.... ?showtopic=1340 all state that Princes Town is "Blink-ready." However, on calling 62-BLINK for the jillionth time this year (Monday) and giving up my phone number, the CSR was "sorry to inform me" that my exchange has not been upgraded YET. so now i am totally convinced that i am illiterate, because the same blinkbroadband website and other sources had stated that princes town was a phase2 area and that it would be upgraded between november-december2007/january2008. It is now November 2008, almost ONE WHOLE YEAR later and they still have the audacity to tell me that i cannot get the service WHICH I WILL BE PAYING THEM FOR. So isnt that an untrue claim? Cant they be sued for false advertising? I do not care if their shortcomings was due to lack of (efficient) staff or equipment or whatever. if they could not live up to their own expectations, shouldnt they have issued some kind of statement on their website or somewhere else?

    Well anyway, from reading the posts in here, i see that SOME people in princes town do indeed have blink broadband which brings me to my next issue. Which exchange is responsible for St.Croix road residents? and i do not mean the entire st croix road all the way to barrackpore; i mean about 100 houses from the town itself. the closest exchange i know of is the one on high street which is about ~1-2km away. How can they broadcast that princes town is blink-ready when all the exchanges have not been upgraded according to THEIR CSR's? I am not hidden away in a back-road or trace or a secluded forested area. In the unlikely event that my location is not classified as princes town, barrackpore san fernando penal toruba etc (and) all other nearby areas are also listed as blink-ready. From the looks of it, as far as tstt and publicity is concerned, princes town is blink-ready so they are finished here, and they will move on to whatever area needs upgrading according to thier own criteria. so basically i will never get blink broadband and i will continue paying $80 for 20hrs of low/no speed internet while people living a few minutes away will pay the same for unlimited etc.

    And then they wonder why they receive threats.......

    If anyone can give me more information or correct me if i am wrong, it would be greatly appreciated.

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