TSTT Forum: R45 - Viewing Profile

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R45's Profile User Rating: -----

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Active Posts:
105 (0.01 per day)
Most Active In:
High Speed ADSL (63 posts)
18-May 04
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User is offline Aug 01 2007 10:05 PM
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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Global broadband prices revealed

    Posted 1 Aug 2007

    I'm pretty sure Trinidad would be in the top 5, maybe even top 3 in the most expensive broadband prices in the western hemisphere. I don't doubt that all of latin and central america are cheaper than us, the only exceptions would be some other caribbean islands (Haiti? Cuba?) and maybe Guyana.
  2. In Topic: How long does it take 4 an application 2b processd

    Posted 16 Feb 2007

    reds16, on Feb 16 2007, 08:15 PM, said:

    ^ Why do u want a 2nd ADSL line? Why not just network?

    Need more bandwidth
  3. In Topic: How long does it take 4 an application 2b processd

    Posted 16 Feb 2007

    I applied for a second ADSL line over 7 months ago, still waiting.
  4. In Topic: ADSL giving trouble!!!!

    Posted 9 Feb 2007

    Can't say I've noticed any problems recently. What area are you in?

    Did you check to see if it's the connection dropping or your router rebooting itself (Have had issues with Speedstreams overheating in the past). Also, when you're connected, do you see Tx/Rx errors in the logs?
  5. In Topic: Columbus laying new Submarine Cable in T&T

    Posted 31 Jan 2007

    kemraj, on Jan 30 2007, 10:17 PM, said:

    The thing about all this cable companies eg flow and columbus, is that i will not be gettting it any time soon because if the normal trinidad cable company has not reached here in tabaquite for more than 5 years i wonder how long i will have to wait for the others. lol this sucks big time

    Yeah, they're behind in switching their digital cable. One of my friends in Columbus said we (Diego martin) would be lucky to see digital by Christmas 2007. It's happening though, just a bit slowly. This story is still good though, more quality bandwidth will allow Columbus to offer customers better packages when the ball gets rolling.

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Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown

Contact Information

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MSN  rastabeenz@hotmail.com
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Website URL  http://www.rasadam.com