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rmjb's Profile User Rating: -----

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GPRS (2 posts)
01-July 04
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User is offline Nov 19 2007 01:46 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. MMS settings

    Posted 12 May 2006

    Well, my phone, Treo 650, picks up the Digicel network first even though I have a bmobile sim in the phone. As as you can see from this post ( http://tsttproblems.... p?showtopic=396 ) it pulled the Digicel MMS settings from the air. bmobile though, I have to set up manually (texting MMS Treo 650 or anything else comes back with a message saying they don't recognise the manufacturer).

    Anyhow, I've set up MMS as far as I can with the settings from here:
    http://www.bmobile.c... /mms_manual.cfm
    But my phone has a place for MMS URL: which had a Digicel URL in there, from the air, but there's no MMS URL on the bmobile page. Anyone knows what the MMS URL should be?

    - rmjb
  2. Digicel WAP & MMS settings in the air?

    Posted 11 May 2006

    I just got a Treo 650 which is Quad Band and unlocked. First of all, when I turn on the phone it always finds what I assume is the Digicel network first, even though there is a bmobile sim in the phone. I have to manually choose the 900/1800 band for the phone to even see the bmobile network.

    Anyhow, in my network connection settings (data network) I'm trying to set up a connection to bmobile buzz or gprs or anything, and after a day or two I notice two entries, one for Digiel WAP and another for Digicel MMS. I didn't put these in so what I'm asking is, did the phone pull these out of the air? Is Digicel broadcasting their data network settings? And if so, what can't bmobile do that?

    - rmjb
  3. Hiptop Features

    Posted 15 May 2005

    So according to the Hiptop website @ www.hiptop.com this phone has real features. Are all the features available for use in Trinidad?

    - rmjb
  4. Need help SE T316

    Posted 10 Sep 2004

    I'm setting this up for someone to use it as a GPRS modem on their PC @ home. They got a data cable that's USB and added a COM port to windows. The cable also came with a CD with drivers for cable and endless phones, including the T610.

    I installed the data cable drivers and the SE software and stuff and the software detects the phone on the new COM port, but I can't get the PC to recognize the phone as a modem. I'm trying and trying and nothing. It's running Windows XP SP2 and when I go to the Add Modem wizard it doesn't detect a modem so I select it from a list. The list for Sony Ericsson has these four entries:

    T300 Series IR Modem
    T610 Series IR Modem
    T610 Series Bluetooth Modem
    T610 Series Serial Modem

    Note there's no T300 Series Serial Modem.

    Does anyone have any experience with this phone? What am I doing wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    - rmjb

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