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User is offline Aug 16 2009 08:11 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Blink in Arima

    Posted 10 Mar 2008

    Checked the modem status page last week and noticed it was showing ADS2+ stats. No upgrade in speed though. Was having problems with authentication today, so as an experiment I changed it over to LLC on PPPOE, and voila:


    Last Result:
    Download Speed: 2075 kbps (259.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Upload Speed: 641 kbps (80.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

    http://srnoth.com/blink/ arima.jpg

    http://srnoth.com/blink/ arima2.jpg

    About time!! :lol: :lol:
  2. Flow Cable Audio Settings

    Posted 22 Nov 2007

    Well it's not exactly Flow 'Internet', but I have a question about Flow. I remember when I first got the new digital boxes, there was a settings menu for the audio, where I could choose Mono, Stereo or SAP, and could choose whether the volume was controlled by the cable box itself, or by the TV. But I can't find any such menu on the cable box anymore. Anyone know why? I'm wondering if Flow disabled it or something.
  3. Cable TV's days are numbered

    Posted 31 Oct 2007


    Cable company to drop popular movie channels


    The cable company Flow will stop broadcasting the popular movie channels Showtime, the Movie Channel and Starz as well as the US feeds of HBO and Cinemax from November 30.

    From the next day, December 1, it will launch a new suite of services - HBO LA - and stop showing all “non-authorised premium movie channels.”

    Flow’s president John Reid said, “Customers on both our analog and digital platforms will preview the new premium movie services during the month of December and on January 1, customers who choose to subscribe to these optional services will be charged according to the package chosen.”

    Analog customers will have the option of subscribing to the following movie packages at a fee of $64.99 each.

    n HBO Caribbean

    n HBO LA East

    n HBO Plus

    n Cinemax East and

    n Cinemax West

    Digital customers will have the option of subscribing to three packages, all of which include The Sundance Channel.

    “The movie channels have been included free of charge as part of the basic channel line-up since they were launched by CCTT. Flow has long maintained that when we started paying for HBO and other movie services, customers would also be required to pay.

    “The basic monthly fee for all non-movie services compares very favourably to rates charged by cable television operators in the Caribbean and in North America,” said Reid.

    The announcement was made at a press conference yesterday as Flow signed a content agreement with HBO after two years of negotiations.

    “Similar to other agreements, Flow will pay HBO a monthly fee that reflects the number of customers subscribing to its various services,” he said.

    Reid explained that when Flow acquired the assets of CCTT, it also got it’s unsigned contracts with content providers- 30 out of 68 contracts were unsigned.

    The company now has 268 channels with 258 signed contracts. It is expecting to close contracts in the coming months.

    The HBO agreement is not retroactive.

    Javier Figueras, vice president of affiliate sales of HBO Latin America Group said that the agreement was a new one and the content, except the HBO Caribbean channel, will be exactly what is offered by Direct TV.

    HBO recently announced the creation of a Caribbean channel of English language content.

    “The legitimisation of movie services was identified by Columbus Communications as a priority when it acquired CCTT in 2005. Accessing copyright-cleared programming for the Caribbean, particularly premium movie service content, has been a challenge for all cable television operators in the region and we are pleased that Columbus and HBO have reached this milestone agreement,” said Reid.

    “The process has been a long and difficult one, as Flow's primary concern was ensuring that any programming changes would be beneficial to our customers, as well as relevant to this market.

    “HBO’s decision to launch a 100 per cent English-speaking version of its HBO LA channel in 2007 was a critical development and one that was instrumental in reaching an agreement,” said Reid.
    ©2005-2006 Trinidad Publishing Company Limited

    Ladies and Gents, the days of cable TV are numbered. For $350 a month we will soon be able to get a 6mbps internet connection, giving us access to a wealth of video & audio content available on the internet on demand. YouTube, Bittorrent, etc. Exactly what you want to watch, when you want to watch it.

    What are you guy's thoughts on this?
  4. New Classifieds Section

    Posted 27 Mar 2007

    Hey Folks,

    We have setup two new forum sections here specifically for users to buy and sell items. They are:

    For Sale
    This is where you can post any items you may want to sell/get rid of. Old phones, computers parts etc. Preferably related to this forum & telecommunications, but no firm rules yet, we'll see how that goes.

    Looking for
    This is where you can post 'wanted' adds, if you are looking for a particular phone, etc.

    Seeing as there have recently been some posts of things for sale, and also because I am looking for a phone :P , we have decided to do this as an experiment, and we'll see how things move from here. If you have any ideas, contributions or complaints, please feel free to post them here.

  5. Looking For/Want To Buy: Phone with EDGE

    Posted 27 Mar 2007

    Hey folks,

    Well we have a new section here for users to buy and sell items, so I'll start it off.

    I want to buy a phone with EDGE, preferably under $500, and preferably from someone living in the North, cus I don't really want to have to drive further south than Price Plaza :rolleyes: .

    If someone has a Motorola V186 for sale, doesn't matter if it's locked or unlocked, that would be perfect. But any phone with EDGE (pref Class 10) would do. If you have one you are willing to sell, post here or hit me a PM.


My Information

Member Title:
Forum Moderator
35 years old
June 23, 1989
Noel Trace, St. Augustine
Computers, music, electronics...

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Website URL  http://www.srnoth.com


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