TSTT Forum: BLINK - Viewing Profile

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BLINK's Profile User Rating: -----

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High Speed ADSL (7 posts)
05-August 08
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  1. In Topic: i think my blink zhone router wifi is broken

    Posted 4 Feb 2010

    View Post hustla_ambition101, on 21 January 2010 - 03:44 PM, said:

    You TSTT people are the worst, those Hispanics that you all outsourced to accents are waaaaaaaaaay to heavy to understand and with the crap phones you all give that can't adjust volume it's really hard to converse with them. On another note, I think my modem is faulty since every 10 minutes or so it keeps dropping, I'm not paying for half day service, I'm paying for Unlimited access

    I am really sorry you are experiencing difficulties with the service we're providing , can you send me a contact number so we can treat with your situation properly and thoroughly or you can e-mail me the details ( your blink telehone number and contact number) at customercare@tstt.co.tt

    I am looking forward to your e-mail.

    Thanks In advance

  2. In Topic: landlines & mobiles giving trouble

    Posted 4 Feb 2010

    View Post jpf, on 02 February 2009 - 02:23 AM, said:

    might be a bit late with this but did anyone experience dead phone lines sometime this week as well as on the morning of Friday 23rd Jan., particularly in the San Juan or surrounding areas? at work we have about 7 lines and a few times the past few days they all went dead-the first time on the 23rd- but even mobile phones couldnt call out to land lines outside- digicel to bmobile neither- did tstt have some kind of problem this week?

    Hi JPF

    There was a prolonged power outage on the 28th and 29th in the San Juan area which affected service (land line, internet and mobile ) in that area"

  3. In Topic: Problems wil Evdo billing

    Posted 1 Feb 2010


    Just send me the hex and we an find out how this happened and have it sorted out. E-mail me at customercare@tstt.co.tt


    View Postadmin, on 28 January 2010 - 07:33 PM, said:

    Had the same experience. I was billed for several years despite that I returned the unit 4-6 weeks after the 'free trial'. I never signed up up for the service, but I got a free trial for a few weeks. Anyhow, I sent several letters to the executives and after some time (years) the bills stopped coming.
  4. In Topic: Youtube problems/other streaming problems

    Posted 1 Feb 2010

    Hi GRS

    Are you still having this problem ? Where are you located . You can send me the telephone number of your BLINK line and I can have it checked out for you.


    View Postgamma-rae, on 01 February 2010 - 02:22 AM, said:

    I don't have a problem with youtube but there are several other sites which, when I try to play the media, just keep buffering indefinitely and the music/videos never load and thus cannot be played...Is there anyway to fix this?

    I did the speed test...I am paying for a 2G package...so why is the speed so low? How much site traffic could it possibly have, I mean how many people are up at this hour on a Monday morning? If I didn't have assignments to complete I would be asleep...
    Download Speed: 1045 kbps (130.6 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Upload Speed: 294 kbps (36.8 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Latency: 37 ms
    Monday, 01 February 2010 02:17:14 AM

  5. In Topic: Not seeing ppl number when they call me

    Posted 1 Feb 2010


    It could be that you may not have caller id activated on your sim . You can call 824-8788 to get it activated.



    View Postmimi007, on 01 June 2009 - 08:23 PM, said:

    So I have a bberry 8320 that I just signed up for Blackberry Internet Service, after that, whenever any one calls me their numbers all come up as unknown. My mother has that same problem (she doesn't have a blackberry) and I know its a problem regarding the sim . Anyone else ever had this problem

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