TSTT Forum: kaplanmeir - Viewing Profile

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kaplanmeir's Profile User Rating: -----

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GPRS (2 posts)
01-July 06
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User is offline Jun 07 2012 10:21 AM

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Topics I've Started

  1. GPRS speeds

    Posted 9 Oct 2006

    I have had GPRS on my P910i for about 2 years now. However, the speeds I am getting is way below what TSTT advertised. They said I should get speeds between 30kb-40kb. I have not gotten these speeds at all, not even 10kb. I usually get between 2kb-3kb in the day time and sometimes 5kb after mid-night. I have complained to TSTT about this and they said because I am in Central Trinidad that is the problem. However, I work in Port-of-Spain and I still get those slow speeds. Are there any settings I can use to boost the speed. I would greatly appreciate the help!
  2. EDGE

    Posted 12 Jul 2006

    tstt hinted that they were going to rollout an edge network. however, i haven't heard anybody using it yet. is it only for corporate costumers who are using blackberry?

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