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  1. In Topic: ADSL Downtime

    Posted 18 Nov 2014

    Well, the so far end of the story ... since TSTT was not willing to give me the Triple Play bundle without the wireless TV (I would have paid the same monthly rate) they completely cancelled my Triple Play order and put me back on my previous SmartChoice package and downgraded my previous 4 Mbps ADSL to 1 Mbps (all without any notification).
    At least my second line is now on the unlimited Dual Play bundle.
    So, I cancelled Blink Broadband on my first line and downgraded to the smallest SmartChoice package.
    At least now I am saving over $440 a month.

    With TSTT now on a 1Mbps connection, Flow stepped up to be my primary Internet provider (OMG).
    Might soon have to get rid of Blink completely as they were not able to fix my frequent ADSL line problems.

    Well, now I am waiting for the Digicel Residential Fibre rollout and hope for the best.
  2. In Topic: ADSL Downtime

    Posted 10 Nov 2014

    View Post admin, on 20 October 2014 - 07:43 PM, said:

    My TSTT's wireless TV Saga continues ...

    Three weeks after upgrading to the 'Triple Play' bundle including 5 Mbps ADSL, unlimited land line calls and either wired 145+ TV channels (not available in my area) or wireless 40+ channels (apparently available in my area) and calling in ten days ago asking about the wireless TV installation date, I learned again today that my wireless TV application was again cancelled by the technical department on Oct 1st & 12th. (without notification).

    Well, I never got the WTV (Wireless TV) since I am not in the covered area. So, TSTT reversed my upgrade and downgraded my 5Mbps package to 1Mbps without any notification. I found this out after my 5 Mbps connection dropped yesterday after not dropping for 21 days and when the connection came up again I was on a 1 Mbps plan. Then I got my November bills ...
    Since they were busy downgrading one application out of two, they also downgraded my second phone line with the 'Dual Play' package ... again with the reason that the service is not available in my area. But I am using ADSL on that line for the past 8 years and suddenly it is not available?
    Anyhow, it seems when they downgraded my first line, they automatically did this for my second line too due to WTV non-coverage.
    And now I see charges for Nov for the 'Dual Play' package AND for the SmartChoice Bronze ... so it seems 'DP' does not stand for Dual Play, but Dual Pay.
    Well, I spend another 30 min on the phone, just like yesterday and many days since September and it seems they are going to sort me out. Hopefully that will be in a positive way.
    I am closer to cut down on phone lines and Internet services ...
    With C&W taking over Columbus and directly competing with TSTT, the playing field will be very awkward in the next few years.

    Still hoping for Digicel's residential Fibre to the home.

    On another note ... if I compare help desks from the three major providers (TSTT, Flow, Digicel) I so far found that TSTTs help desk is kind of the best.
    - They are available 24/7
    - They usually try to help
    - Since one can call in the night the waiting time is short

    But when it comes to the technical department ... huh, every time TSTT sends a team to fix a problem the team has no clue about what the previous team did. Problems which happen only during 'after hours' are kind of ignored since they do not happen when the technician is coming during daytime.
    Follow-up does not seem to work at all. The contractors are keen to close a ticket as fast as possible and get to the next customer. No matter if the problem was actually fixed or not.
  3. In Topic: ADSL Downtime

    Posted 20 Oct 2014

    My TSTT's wireless TV Saga continues ...

    Three weeks after upgrading to the 'Triple Play' bundle including 5 Mbps ADSL, unlimited land line calls and either wired 145+ TV channels (not available in my area) or wireless 40+ channels (apparently available in my area) and calling in ten days ago asking about the wireless TV installation date, I learned again today that my wireless TV application was again cancelled by the technical department on Oct 1st & 12th. (without notification).

    Two previous CSRs checked the coverage for my area and they said it is available.
    Now the CSR is telling me that I cannot get the Triple Play bundle with TV and therefore need to downgrade the bundle.

    Which means I can only downgrade to the 2Mbps ADSL and unlimited land line bundle and pay for the Call Master Services extra or go with a non-bundle package.
    Non-bundle does not make any sense in comparison to the bundled packages.
    I live only about 500-600 meters (by winding road, not straight line) from the Western Main Road and I am unable to receive the wireless signal?
    It seems that TSTT only read Fort George Road (a few kilometers long) on the application and they immediately say no wireless TV available.
    With other words I could live Fort George Road just 5 meters from the Western Main Road and their wireless TV would not be available.
    I receive a whole bunch of wireless signals from the whole neighbourhood, apparently just not TSTT wireless TV (what frequency is their signal on?).
    I am sure that Greendot would cover my place as I can even see Greendot's office from here.

    Why is everything just made so difficult here ...

    Well, if I am lucky and Digicel's residential fibre to the home actually reaches me one day ... I presume they will provide exactly the same services as TSTT.
    Digicel already applied for a TV license in T&T
  4. In Topic: ADSL Downtime

    Posted 20 Oct 2014

    Well, the 'Line Department' or Cable Guy arrived on Wednesday. Strangely he told me that my wires at the distribution panel were incorrectly assigned (after I used them for several years). It seems that another 'team' switched my dead wires between the Western Main Road panel and our building panel without changing the wires attached to my Telephone Network Interface and therefore my line remained completely dead for some time.
    Anyhow, the last guy just switched my wires to the correct (new) terminals and my line was back.
    It now even can accommodate higher ADSL speeds (Rate: 6272 : 797).

    For now, after almost two months both of my lines are back in working condition.

    But I still have not heard another word about the installation date for TSTT's wireless TV after I ordered the package deal September 30th.
    Wonder what this time happened. Kind of tired calling them all the time. Maybe I just reduce the payments for non-delivery of services.

    After all these changes the first TSTT contractor team initiated a reset of my ADSL passwords.
    Well, and the Dial Up Change Password on the Blink Broadband Residential Support page does not seem to work to change my password. Do I seriously have to call and tell them my new password I want to use?
    I already reported the link failure ... wonder if that helps.

    And now ... Flow was acting up the whole day ... buffering ... lost ssh sessions etc. Had to disable Flow in order to watch any streaming media.
    Good thing TSTT's Blink is back again ... :rolleyes:
  5. In Topic: ADSL Downtime

    Posted 12 Oct 2014

    Got a call this afternoon from a TSTT technician. After I stated that my line is completely dead and that the same situation is at the buildings distribution panel, all he did is telling me that the 'Line Department' has to come (again...). Well, that is 7 days later and after the 5 business days 'response time'.
    The line is dead basically directly after I upgraded the line to the 'Double Play Bundle' with a 2 year contract.

    ... waiting for the next TSTT repair team ...

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