TSTT Forum: South Man - Viewing Profile

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South Man's Profile User Rating: -----

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245 (0.03 per day)
Most Active In:
High Speed ADSL (74 posts)
08-July 04
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User is offline May 20 2008 09:11 PM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: tstt gprs?

    Posted 25 Nov 2007

    Yipp you have to get another data only sim card to use the gprs! It's annoying though having to switch between sims and I have yet to buy a dual sim card holder cause I don't want to cut my sim.
  2. In Topic: QuickIM

    Posted 6 Dec 2006

    ohhhhh....in other words Bmobile (TSTT) sucks <_<
  3. In Topic: FLOW Internet HERE!

    Posted 24 Nov 2006

    Prices aren't that great? Umm isn't it like double the speed of what we are getting with TSTT now, for the same price? I do think however they could of had a 256 package for a smaller price for those who don't need 512.
  4. In Topic: Opera Mini and Digicel

    Posted 17 Nov 2006

    Vishal, on Nov 17 2006, 11:07 PM, said:

    Well i think the difference iz that ur phone used wap.......but opera mini uses http....and apparently digicel has a little problem with there http network and therefore we're not charged as we should hav been....daz why if u use ur digicel as a modem u sometimes ur not charged at all........anyone agrees?....... :ph34r:

    Nah I was charged....but maybe it was just my luck <_<
  5. In Topic: Opera Mini and Digicel

    Posted 13 Nov 2006

    shelisa868, on Nov 13 2006, 01:23 PM, said:

    Homepage: http://web.digiceltt.com
    Proxies: Disable
    Data bearer: gprs
    Bearer settings:
    gprs access point: web.digiceltt.com
    Authentication type: normal
    Login: automatic

    Can anyone confirm these settings work? Cause the only difference I see is the homepage address.

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Board Warrior
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown

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