TSTT Forum: Kukka - Viewing Profile

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Kukka's Profile User Rating: -----

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77 (0.01 per day)
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Flow Internet (61 posts)
06-February 04
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User is offline Oct 02 2010 03:50 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Blackberry Plans Bmobile vs Digicel

    Posted 26 Apr 2010

    As topic says. Which is better postpaid?
  2. Blink Contract

    Posted 12 Nov 2007

    Below is a scan of blink(tstt) contract I got from a friend earlier today. All I gotta say is, FLOW FTW!

    Fair usage policy ADSL Telecommunications Services of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (TSTT).

    A fair usage policy - FUP, is intended to assure that all broadband customers enjoy the same experience and have access to a quick and reliable service at all times.

    A small number of customers use Peer to Peer or file sharing software, which constantly sends and receives video and other very large files, throughout the day, consuming excessive bandwidth. This type of activity can significantly reduce the speed at which other customers can access the internet during peak hours.

    This fair usage policy automatically identifies the small number of extremely heavy users and manages their bandwidth only during peak hours (6pm - 11pm Monday - Sunday), to protect the service for all our other customers. Outside peak hours, the use of the Internet by these heavy users is unaffected.

    This approach protects the quality of service for the vast majority of our customers when they most use the service, while at the same time allowing the extremely heavy users to continue to send and receive without restriction outside peak hours.

    Actions to be taken in the event of FUP breach.

    We will contact the customer by email to let them know that their usage at peak hours is excessive and is affecting other customers, for that reason we are modifying the contention rate. The email will be sent to the email address TSTT has in their records.

    During peak hours, customers affected by the fair usage policy will share bandwidth with each other and will be separated from other customers. The amount of bandwidth available for affected customers to share will be at least as much as for those customers unaffected by the policy.

    << Diagram here >>

    The speed affected customers experience when downloading at peak hours will therefore depend on what these customers are doing. If they are all web-browsing and reading emails, they will experience normal broadband speed. If on the other hand they are using Peer to Peer or file sharing software they will experience slow broadband speeds. Outside peak hours, no restrictions will apply.

    Page 2

    Other Fair Usage Policy Considerations

    TSTT does not guarantee a service and/or connectivity to users of peer-to-peer or file sharing software/applications.

    Customer's average usage per day shall NOT exceed 4Gb of data volume transmitted (total upload and download usage). This is to ensure that no individual hogs the bandwidth at all times. Exceeding this amount of data will be considered a breach of FUP.

    average daily data usage over previous 3 days. <<tab>> <<tab>> download speed

    <4GB daily <<tab>> <<tab>> Full Speed
    >4GB daily <<tab>> <<tab>> Increase contention

    As soon as the average over the previous 3 days falls below the threshold limits above then your speed will increase.

    Customers could manage their usage simply by ensuring that any file sharing, sending and receiving of large file is done outside peak hours.
  3. Upgraded to 15mb

    Posted 6 Nov 2007

    So after waiting a bit and sufferin on 2mb for a lil while I finally got upgrade, its not quite your 15mb more like around 12mb but i willing to ignore that fact for now till they work on the issues (yea so I calling them tomorrow lol) Unfortunately speedtests.net and other test sites not giving me accurate readings so cant do one for u guys just yet.
  4. 6211-12200

    Posted 3 Apr 2007

    Friend of mines trying to setup a newer version of paradyne modems tstt offering. Current setup procedures found on this forum not working. Any ideas?
  5. New ISP Columbus Communications

    Posted 4 Jun 2006

    http://www.flow- trinidad.com/

    http://www.flowjamaica. com

    YaY something better than 256k :D

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