TSTT Forum: twisted_chamber - Viewing Profile

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twisted_chamber's Profile User Rating: -----

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High Speed ADSL (5 posts)
30-May 08
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User is offline Jun 19 2008 10:57 AM

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Topics I've Started

  1. 6211-12 Help Please

    Posted 18 Jun 2008

    I have a problem with my 6211-12 modem box, I wanted to see my ping readings so someone said to change the settings from PPP over ATM (PPPoA) to PPP over Ethernet (PPoE). So I did that and now I can see my ping readings while playing game in general or testing speed. But the problem is when I try to change it back to PPP over ATM (PPPoA) it doesn't work. :huh: Have anyone else had this problem before and how do I fix this? I om I went to Zhone website and download the new 2008 firmware to see if that help no luck :(
  2. TSTT Blink isn't working for Halo online gaming !!Why"

    Posted 30 May 2008

    [font="Arial Black"] :P Ok so I have blinkbroadband now want to try it out, works great for downloading and web surfing. So I try to use it to play the pc game Halo CE, I can join other people who create servers in the game. But when I try to create a game server no one can join. :huh: So I say maybe it's Halo but when I try it with a 56k dial up connection it works. :( :huh: I'm lost to this cause, this suppose to be better and be able to do more than a dial up connection.I met someone while playing Halo online who is from Trini, his net ISP is flow. Now he can create a game and everyone can join in, so which means that flow uses the same thing as the dial up connection but why can't Blink do this? :angry: This really sucks grr really sucks, I know I know so many other people say calling tstt is a waste of time and breath. So I give them a call was a waste of time and breath nothing new. :angry:

    :lol: For those who doesn't know and decide to tell me google already been there done that, this game is inside the game it self where you can create a game server and have other's join in with you. When I use the network hub it works for my brother and my self to play it works. But to have my pal who is from flow or my girlfriend from usa, or my other brother from Canada or anyone from around the world, want to play in my game server is a no no. When my gf create a game server it works I can join in and anyone else can join in and even my pal from flow. The only way these people can join a game that I create is by using the dial up connection, which is like so slow cause lot's of lagging meaning slow motion while playing in the game.

    I would like to know if anyone else who have Halo pc game is getting this same error, and if anyone can help me solve this matter. My net speed is 2mb the dial up is a 56k modem, my gf is from usa comcast her's is 10mb and pal from flow is 2mb, 56k is the old time days crap but yet it works better than TSTT new Blink. <_<

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