TSTT Forum: R45 - Viewing Profile

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R45's Profile User Rating: -----

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105 (0.01 per day)
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High Speed ADSL (63 posts)
18-May 04
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User is offline Aug 01 2007 10:05 PM
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Topics I've Started

  1. Columbus laying new Submarine Cable in T&T

    Posted 30 Jan 2007

    Good news for the future, Columbus (via its parent company) is laying a new Fibre cable running from Trinidad to Curacao. This I believe will be their second Fibre uplink since they got their International Provider license. Regardless, this will mean more (reliable) bandwidth coming into T&T.

    http://biz.yahoo.com... 05424.html?.v=1


    MIAMI--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Columbus Communications Inc. continued its investment commitment in the Pan Caribbean Region as its wholly-owned subsidiary, New World Network Ltd., today announced that it is building a new undersea fiber optic network that will connect Trinidad to Curacao and further expand the reach of its ARCOS network.

    The Trinidad-Curacao Sub Sea Fibre Project includes 1,000 kilometers of high-strength, high capacity undersea fiber optic cable. The new fiber network is in direct response to growing demand among communications companies that require increasing broadband capacity to serve Trinidad and the region.

    "This new project is a bellwether of the exponential growth of broadband services in the Caribbean and speaks to Columbus' steadfast commitment to make new investments that enable such growth," said Brendan Paddick, CEO of Bridgetown, Barbados-based Columbus.

    Columbus acquired New World in Sept. 2005. Since that time, the company has invested heavily to expand and improve the ARCOS undersea fiber optic network.

    "By continuing to invest significantly in communications infrastructure and committing to provide access to leading edge technology, Columbus Communications is helping the Caribbean-based telecom operators add value to the lives of consumers and expand the region's commercial significance worldwide," Paddick said. "Demand for bandwidth services in the region is significant and continuously growing."

    New World Network awarded the contract for building the new network to Tyco Telecommunications, a business unit of Tyco Electronics. Tyco has extensive knowledge and experience in undersea cable engineering, construction, as well as repair and maintenance with networks deployed worldwide. It has particular expertise in the Pan-Caribbean Region.

    Work on the Trinidad-Curacao Sub Sea Fibre Project is well underway. It is expected to be completed and ready for service by fall 2007.

    "With the backing of Columbus, New World is transforming ARCOS into the premier fiber optic network in this region," said Paul Scott, president of New World. "With Tyco's capabilities and responsiveness, we are confident that we can quickly achieve Columbus' vision for our company and the region as a whole."
  2. Various Phones Disconnected

    Posted 18 Jan 2007

    So apparently sometime last night/today, there was a "Glitch" in the bMobile system and hundreds (or perhaps thousands?) of phones are now out of service. In my office, we had about 3 people who now have phones without service. TSTT said they're working to fix the problem, let's hope for a quick fix.

    Anyone else affected?
  3. Maintenance Frequency

    Posted 18 Nov 2006

    Is it just me or does anyone else find the frequency of scheduled maintenance to be ridiculous? It seems like every other week, we are victims of a 5-6 hour outage. While it's scheduled at off-peak times, some of us do work over the internet and require an internet connection 24/7.

    On the most recent maintenance, I can't begin to understand why they'd need to take down their email servers for 7 hours. Is TSTT capable of running an internet service? My impression is their technicians have absolutely no concept of quality control nor does their management care.
  4. Connection Drops

    Posted 10 May 2006

    Anyone else experience periodic problems tonight?
  5. BlackBerry Problem for Cayman Roamers in T&T

    Posted 7 Mar 2006

    Source: http://www.cellular-... story/16376.php

    Cable & Wireless in the Cayman Islands says that it has identified a potential problem for some of their BlackBerry customers whilst trying to roam in Trinidad on the TSTT network. While in Trinidad, customers may experience difficulty acquiring and locking onto TSTT channels, thereby preventing the use of the BlackBerry device for telephone calls or data/email services.

    This problem only affects the following devices:-
      BlackBerry 7290
      BlackBerry 7100g
    Cable & Wireless has secured a software solution to rectify this problem. The company did not specify what has caused the problem.

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Post Machine
Age Unknown
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MSN  rastabeenz@hotmail.com
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Website URL  http://www.rasadam.com