TSTT Forum: c-jink - Viewing Profile

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c-jink's Profile User Rating: -----

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High Speed ADSL (7 posts)
06-April 08
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User is offline Mar 04 2010 06:30 PM
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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Modem acting weird

    Posted 7 Jul 2008

    Thanks it works fine now. I ran a trojan scanner and it picked up a couple things, notably some msupdate entries in the registry that were infected by 'agent 1868' (o_0). It worked after they were deleted and a system restart.
  2. In Topic: Modem acting weird

    Posted 7 Jul 2008

    Thanks for the reply. Ran netstat, 15 entries in one page. Two of them were just ip addresses, is that normal? The rest were localhost and tsttproblems.com

    Also have automatic updates off, torrents off, nothing downloading. I ran a virus scan with Avast and Avira. What do you guys use to check for these worms and ting.

    EDIT - Also the net activity light is not blinking. Just the connection lights.
  3. In Topic: Internet Protocol

    Posted 15 May 2008

    Ah thanks a lot man. I entered what I think is tstt dns, cause when I select 'usy my own ip', 'use my own dns' get auto-selected and 'automatically select dns' is disabled.

    Anyhow ports are forwarded and everything is cool. Thanks again. =]
  4. In Topic: 6211-I2-200 Setup.

    Posted 15 May 2008

    View Post Lich King, on Apr 6 2008, 04:02 AM, said:

    I don't think adsl2/+ supports anything but interleave so I am 99% sure that your connection type is interleave. I guess since there isn't a choice for adsl2/+ they didn't bother to list it in the modem stats. Atleast you still have Trellis modulation enabled so that should be boosting bandwidth efficiency but it doesn't have a significant impact on latency though. Once your connection is interleaved rest assure you have an extra 30ms to 40ms latency. If you had fast before and only recently upgrade to adsl2+ then you could just disable adsl2+ to force your modem to revert to adsl1 which should put back your type as fast. Don't worry about your bandwidth, forcing the change to adsl1 should not affect your bandwidth unless your connection is >8Mbps.

    Hey thanks for the suggestion but for some reason it didn't work. When I switched back to dsl1 the net refused to work...but no scene thanks again. At least my download speeds are faster than usual these days (something to enjoy till blink arrives) and well I guess 30-40ms more isn't that big a deal when playing games online :rolleyes:
  5. In Topic: 6211-I2-200 Setup.

    Posted 6 Apr 2008

    View Post Lich King, on Apr 16 2007, 05:47 AM, said:

    There are 2 types of operation for the ADSL link. It can be seen at Device Info -> Statistics -> ADSL. The two types are "Fast" and "Interleave".

    Hey I need help. I want to check whether my connection is in 'Fast' or "Interleave' mode but this is what I'm seeing on the statistics page:

    Mode: ADSL2+
    Line Coding: Trellis On
    Status: No Defect
    Link Power State: L0

    That particular piece of info seems to be missing :(. How else can I check without calling TSTT?


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