TSTT Forum: microone - Viewing Profile

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microone's Profile User Rating: -----

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39 (0.01 per day)
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Flow Internet (14 posts)
02-October 06
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User is offline Aug 16 2011 11:06 AM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: What do you think blink should do since flow increased their speeds?

    Posted 16 Nov 2010

    don't think that can compare to this

    http://www.speedtest... /1006607314.png
  2. In Topic: Blink take a Wink and can't get up

    Posted 24 Nov 2009

    View Post BLINK, on 19 November 2009 - 03:46 PM, said:

    Blink customers experienced difficulty browsing the internet in areas limited to Couva, Freeport, Chaguanas and Cunupia on 16th November 2009. The service was fully restored by 1 pm on the same day as TSTT technicians assiduously worked with international suppliers to have the service restored within the quickest time frame possible. The company continues to work on improving our BLINK service to our valued customers. "


    well it seems that you guys are down agian in the port of spain area
  3. In Topic: Flow Cable Modem Internet Hacked!!!!

    Posted 14 Oct 2009

  4. In Topic: Chaguanas is official Digital

    Posted 26 Aug 2009

    View Post reyaz01, on Aug 25 2009, 04:12 PM, said:

    Hey guys, just wanna confirm that chaguanas is digital now. As of 3 today or something. So now all I have to do is wait for internet to be available :D

    How do you know this cause i called and they said in about 3 week to a month again any proof on your claim???????
  5. In Topic: Best Wireless Security

    Posted 29 May 2009

    View Post ninja_billy, on Apr 6 2009, 11:02 PM, said:

    honestly you should leave it open and enable ssid broadcast, since you are the only one who has been blinked in your area, you should at least share the wealth with your neighbbours if allyuh talking. I hate when ppl get stingy with the net jed, but if it wasn't for them my skills would not exist.

    NET THEIF 4 LIFE son. :lol: :lol:

    might as well leave it open ah sure yuh neighbors could pay a :P ;) hacker to crack it and get in any way so save them the $300 and leave it open lol

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