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53 (0.01 per day)
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High Speed ADSL (53 posts)
12-April 07
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User is offline Jun 16 2009 08:14 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. High Latency / Ping problems

    Posted 11 Oct 2008

    Is anyone else been having problems with online gaming in the last month. I have been getting some really high pings randomly over the last month. Normally when I ping www.google.com I usually get an average of about 115ms but right now and for a couple of days over the last month I have been getting pings of up to 400ms. Playing FPS with that kind of latency is impossible :angry: Any ideas as to the cause of this?
    Its really sad that before my dsl got "upgraded" to adsl2, I use to get sub 100ms pings :(
  2. I killed my DSL!!

    Posted 5 Jan 2008

    Last night I was messing with some of the advanced ADSL settings(Advance Setup->ADSL->advance settings) and now DSL is not enabled on my phone line anymore. I changed the test mode to to all the different settings and even when I put it back to the default it doesn't work. The router status light doesn't even blink to show that its trying to sync and if I connect a phone directly to the line I get no DSL noise.... plus I'm on dial-up right now with no filter on the line. That means no DSL signal right? According to something I read online, these setting are supposed to be used by the ISP to test ADSL on the line and changing these settings may disable DSL service. Of course I only read that after I messed with it ;) I called tech support and they ran me through the usual BS and then when nothing worked they ending saying I will have to wait for a technician to come.

    I remember when I just got my modem, DSL was not enabled on my line and I just called TSTT and told them that I got the modem and within 30 mins I had a DSL signal on the line. I thought it would be that simple this time but I guess not. I think I'm going to try calling them and telling them I just got my modem and see if that works :P...most likely it won't work but I can't wait for a technician...that could take months
  3. Blink Upgrade Question

    Posted 22 Nov 2007

    I got a call from a TSTT guy yesterday and he told me that he has to come to my house to make some changes to my router settings since I'm being upgraded(Princes Town area). I told him he could just tell me the new settings over the phone and I would do it but he said that he had to come anyways. He later called back and told me that TSTT hasn't made the changes for blink on their side for me as yet and when they do my internet will stop working and then he will come and make the changes.

    I was just wondering if any of you that got upgraded have this sequence of events happen to you and if so, do you know the settings that the guy is talking about and why would he have to come to my house? Is it the settings that they sent in the email a while back?
  4. Signal to Noise gradually dropping over time

    Posted 20 Aug 2007

    Does anyone else have the problem where the signal to noise ratio drops over time and as soon as the router is rebooted the SNR goes right back up? With my router the SNR drops over 1-2 days period until data transfer becomes impossible. Also sometimes I can't even connect to the router with my browser and the only way to fix it is to power down and up again. Can these problems have anything to do with the fact that I'm using the usb connection?

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Advanced Member
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown

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