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Illidan's Profile User Rating: -----

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83 (0.01 per day)
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Internet General (38 posts)
09-August 07
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User is offline Sep 04 2007 01:25 AM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Does Nedco give loans for Internet?

    Posted 15 Aug 2007

    I need a fast connection to set up my website

    cause is plenty HD game videos about 100 MB each 4 mitues each will be to.

    So I need some miracle like 256k dsl

    I would sell my soul for 256k DSL actually

    will NEDCO help me with my website and Internet cost?
  2. pc and ps2 games for sale very cheap

    Posted 13 Aug 2007

    Hi i have lots of PS2 and PC games for sale.

    cheap prices $20 per game pc or ps2. DVD games. and CD as well matters not is still the same game

    anyone interested can contat me at 493-4000

    ow yeah and anyone interested can also get 12 games for $200.

    very good prices here. I use BENQ 8X Blanks and I burn them at 4X so the DVD works perfect.

    I also don't use Lite-on burners

    I use Samsung 18X burner so DVD's are burn't more perfect and error free.

    contact me at 493-4000 for further details

  3. Petabit internet (4PB)

    Posted 12 Aug 2007

    I was reading my Enterprise Netowrking Text Book from last year and I was seeing that paces like UK will soon be usinf Petabit internet within the rance of 4pbps 4PB/s something like that, it is said to be so fast that there really isn't any speed limit. :blink:

    But in practice everything has a limit so when looked at closely certain scientist say that the average home user will be using a connection in the range of 2 - 4 Pbps Petabit.

    I think a Petabit is about 1000 terabit or something like that. :blink:

    well well well so in a few years to come UK and other first world cuntries will be Using Petabit internet and we here in Trinidad will be still begging for 8MB internet. Heck I am sure many of this country will still be using 0.2k dialup. ;) :blink:

    And some will be bwaling when will laqtel will launch.

    This predicted date is by 10 years from now.

    So in other words by 2020 UK and other first world countries will be using internet in the range of 100 petabit and 2 Zigabit.
    And we here in trinidad will be bawling for 8MB and anything higher than 0.2k from TSTT. This is vison 2020 folks.

    man this sucks it dosen't seem like in my lifetime I could ever get high speed internet in Trinidad maby migration is the only answer.

    The rest of the world moving forward and we moving backward.

    how brilliant.
  4. Sound blaster Audigy SE

    Posted 12 Aug 2007

    Hi can anyone here help me I am seeing a sound blaster Audigy SE 7.1 card for sale in supertech in tunapuna for $200

    I want to know if this will make my mp3 listening better?

    I currently have a logitech Z2300 speaker system. Which by the way shakes my roof and kitchen. And this is with crappy
    AC 97" realtek onboard sound. This sound chip onboard is the older ones not the new mother boards.

    SO I am hearing that this sound blaster can really amp up my Z2300 bass and audio quality.

    Does anyone here know if I should invest in it, I mean is it worth it?

    Does the audio bass and quality really make a a huge difference?
  5. Laptop for sale

    Posted 11 Aug 2007

    I have a Dell inspiron 1000 its 2 years old in good condition as well.

    It has 256MB DDR ram, 2.2GZ celeron, 14 inch XGA LCD.

    30GB hard drive, CD RW, DVD ROM drive.

    XP PRO, and also you get a Logitech X230 Speaker setup with subwofer. The speakers are almost bran new.

    You also get a Expensive Laptop Bag Nylon APC travell bag kind.

    You get lots and lots of software, and games etc. Now the laptop can play games like Unreal Tournament and War Craft 3 and Half Life etc.

    Also if you give me some blank DVD's I can give you real real real frecking games like a box of games which includes PC games like far cry and F.E.A.R and World of Warcraft and many PS2 games like God of war and MGS3 etc.

    The laptop is very slim and nice and small.

    My asking price for it is $2500 TT nothing lower than that. Becaue this is a real good deal.

    Also if you put $500 more you can get a Air Condition Unit its 10,000 BTU its a powerfull A/C.

    ow yeah you also get a SONY HANDY CAM CAMCORDER camera. Which costed $6000 TT at the time of purchase.

    It gives a little trouble but it is working doh, it comes with battery and Adapter.

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Age Unknown
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