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Wolfie's Profile User Rating: -----

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High Speed ADSL (52 posts)
01-July 04
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User is offline Feb 03 2011 12:11 AM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Flow internet and throttling

    Posted 2 Feb 2011

    Looks like they've started throttling in my area also.

    Tech says no, logs say yes.
  2. In Topic: New Flow Rates & Speeds

    Posted 20 Aug 2010

    Flow has fixed the problem in my area it seems.

    I'm getting 2 mb/s downloads again on single connections.

    Thanks flow :ph34r:
  3. In Topic: New Flow Rates & Speeds

    Posted 13 Aug 2010

    I called to inquire about this problem a few days ago.

    The support person gave me a run around saying there are no problems and the link i was downloading from was slow.

    They asked if it was a 10mb/s link and i said yes, since it was one of my dedicated racks.

    The tech then said he highly doubted that and stopped talking.

    I hung up in frustration.

    I've also tried on two other 100mb/s connected servers with the same results.

    Once it's a single connection download http or ftp the rates are severely limited while a TSTT connection get's full speed with the same server/file.

    So there's obviously a problem, perhaps the admins are not communicating it to the techs or they just don't want to acknowledge it.

    Whatever it is, it's not good for their image as people are starting to think that they're robbing customers. :ph34r:
  4. In Topic: New Flow Rates & Speeds

    Posted 9 Aug 2010

    Single connection downloads are like 140kbps :(

    View PostDevaughn, on 08 August 2010 - 09:54 PM, said:

    If you have an internet connection of over 15Mbps and you get speeds of around 1.5MBbps from a single download then you should be happy. I was in Japan earlier this year and had the opportunity to experience connections in multiple cities ranging from 30Mbps - 95Mbps. The bottom line was that I never got higher than 2MBps downloading from a single download, regardless of whether it was a website or a torrent. If that is the typical experience in Japan where 25Mbps + connections are the norm then I have no reason to expect that it should be better in T&T. Think of it like this: You might own a car that can travel as fast as 200mph but it unlikely that you will find roads conditions that allow you to really max it out. Nevertheless you guys and gals are still very lucky! I'm now living in Puerto Rico and the max speed I can get from my ISP is 6Mbps. It's good to see that T&T is moving up the internet ladder :).
  5. In Topic: New Flow Rates & Speeds

    Posted 6 Aug 2010

    I'm also not getting full speeds on http and ftp downloads unless i accelerate them with a download manager using multiple connections.

    Flow needs to fix this.

My Information

Member Title:
Advanced Member
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown

Contact Information

Click here to e-mail me
MSN  wolfie@haventt.net
Website URL:
Website URL  http://www.ttonline.org


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