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Lich King's Profile User Rating: -----

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824 (0.12 per day)
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High Speed ADSL (401 posts)
19-May 06
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User is offline Mar 18 2016 09:50 PM

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Icon   Lich King New PSN Name: LeetPirate

Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Flow cable modem changout

    Posted 18 Mar 2016

    View Post Senti_al, on 10 October 2015 - 11:04 PM, said:

    ok long story short , is there a way to change flow cable modem to a Linksys cable modem ?

    I remember trying it a year ago but it didn't get the settings for it to work ..

    can anyone tell me on this

    No. Why would you even want to do this? Linksys is crap owned by Belkin -> poor quality modem. Arris=Motorola and their quality is pretty good.
  2. In Topic: TSTT's Gigabit connections

    Posted 18 Mar 2016

    Two years later and service will only be available in Orchard Gardens and Diego Martin. Meanwhile Digicel and Flow will cover the rest of Trinidad and Tobago.
  3. In Topic: Blink GPON

    Posted 24 Dec 2013

    These should be the prices:
    Ultra Link 10 - $316.25 (VAT Inclusive)
    Ultra Link 20 - $431.25 (VAT Inclusive)
    Ultra Link 40 - $644.00 (VAT Inclusive)
  4. In Topic: FLOW INTERNET

    Posted 24 Feb 2013

    View Post Musa, on 20 February 2013 - 10:21 PM, said:

    In what area do you live. I'm in San Fernando and I'm not getting lower that 4.61Mbps down (http://www.speedtest.net/ , http://www.bandwidthplace. com/) and I sometimes get between 500Kbps - 800Kbps on torrents. Makes me wonder if it has to be your location.
    Look at what my 15Mbps connection looks like at night. I just tested this, about 9:10pm. Whether the problem is my location or not this speed is still total trash and unacceptable.
    It was so slow that the first time I tried loading speedtest.net it gave an error and I had to refresh. And this is why I am glad I didn't cancel my blink account because right now even though it says 1.35Mbps trying to load a webpage is moving like dial up speeds.
  5. In Topic: FLOW INTERNET

    Posted 27 Jan 2013

    Yup, I tried again today with a known fast downloading torrent and Flow 15Mb connection could not even go past 200KB/s which is pathetic so back to using Blink. Greg do you know if anyone else has torrent throttling issues with Flow? Ofcourse I suspected Flow Internet as being hogwash from the day they announced 25Mb and higher but I finally had a chance to confirm with my own testing.

My Information

Member Title:
Telecom Master
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown

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Website URL  http://www.netvantagett.com



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