TSTT Forum: Wolfie - Viewing Profile

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Wolfie's Profile User Rating: -----

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80 (0.01 per day)
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High Speed ADSL (52 posts)
01-July 04
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User is offline Feb 03 2011 12:11 AM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Trinidad's SMS <-> Internet isolation.

    Posted 13 Jan 2009

    Does anyone know if TSTT plans to open back up Internet <-> SMS features?

    Alot of us in the country need this feature to monitor servers, get news and other reasons. I think it's absolutely irresponsible of TSTT to ignore this connectivity and it makes us look like technological neanderthals to our international peers.

    TSTT...If you read this please implement this feature, if you have to charge for it, no problem. But please make it happen.

    P.S. GPRS just isn't good/simple enough to get things done sometimes.
  2. Terrible Ping In Marabella

    Posted 18 Nov 2008

    Is anyone else getting horrible pings during prime time in the Marabella area?

    It seems like the network cap has been reached and TSTT isn't bothering to raise it :(

    Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
    Reply from bytes=32 time=391ms TTL=48
    Reply from bytes=32 time=411ms TTL=48
    Reply from bytes=32 time=439ms TTL=48
    Reply from bytes=32 time=439ms TTL=48
    Ping statistics for
    	Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    	Minimum = 391ms, Maximum = 439ms, Average = 420ms

    Tracing route to games.thebattlearena.com []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:
      1	 4 ms	<1 ms	<1 ms
      2	33 ms	29 ms	31 ms  cuscon121309.tstt.net.tt []
      3	22 ms	22 ms	22 ms  cuscon29736.tstt.net.tt []
      4	25 ms	24 ms	23 ms
    tstt.net.tt []
      5	23 ms	22 ms	22 ms
    tstt.net.tt []
      6   265 ms   259 ms   260 ms  POS0-2-0.GW10.MIA4.ALTER.NET []
      7   430 ms   468 ms   427 ms  0.so-1-2-0.XL3.MIA4.ALTER.
    NET []
      8   258 ms   258 ms   258 ms  0.so-6-0-0.XT1.ATL4.ALTER.
    NET []
      9   364 ms   379 ms   372 ms  0.so-6-0-0.BR1.ATL4.ALTER.
    NET []
     10   406 ms   410 ms   398 ms  po5-3.core01.atl03.atlas.cogentco.
    com []
     11   376 ms   375 ms   366 ms  po15-0.core01.atl01.atlas.
    cogentco.com []
     12   396 ms   402 ms   406 ms  te3-3.ccr01.atl01.atlas.cogentco.
    com []
     13   345 ms   341 ms   355 ms  te2-1.ccr02.iah01.atlas.cogentco.
    com []
     14   406 ms   422 ms   413 ms  te2-1.ccr02.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.
    com []
     15   431 ms   445 ms   428 ms  te8-4.ccr02.mci01.atlas.cogentco.
    com []
     16   371 ms   392 ms   385 ms
     17   413 ms   387 ms   391 ms  te-1-1.bb-a.slr.lxa.us.oneandone.
    net []
     18   423 ms   434 ms   434 ms  te-1-2.gw-distp-b.slr.lxa.
    oneandone.net []
     19   413 ms   447 ms   446 ms  ae-1.gw-prtr-r3-1b.slr.lxa.
    oneandone.net []
     20   452 ms   456 ms   446 ms  games.thebattlearena.com []
    Trace complete.

    I was able to get as low as 100ms on this server before.

    All other international routes produce similar or worse latency.

    It's sad that these things are not monitored by TSTT to ensure quality of service.
  3. Consumer protection against adsl robbery?

    Posted 21 Oct 2005

    Hi Guys,

    Does anyone know if Trinidad has a legal mechanism in place to protect consumers from companies such as TSTT? The reason i ask is because for the past few months, i have been getting drastically reduced adsl speeds during the day, slower than a 56k modem. I have called TSTT, reported the issue and nothing is being done. The bottom line is that they're robbing people by selling them a 256k dsl package and only providing it at off peak hours. :ph34r:
  4. Mitnick coming to Trinidad

    Posted 7 Sep 2005

    http://www.mitnicksecurity. com/

    Orgainsed by the Chamber of Commerce and sponsored by TSTT.

    I've now seen it all.

    A cracker/phreaker hunted and prosecuted by the Federal government of the United States, which was pressured into its actions by companies just like TSTT, is now being brought to Trinidad by the monololistic, greedy, insecure and incompetent company that we have all grown to hate.

    The ignorance of corporate Trinidad knows no bounds.

    I wonder what would happen if someone told Mitnick at that event, that there are people in Trinidad who are being hunted in the same fashion that he was, every one of them by the very company that is sponsoring him?

    As for Mitnick, can you say sellout? :)
  5. DNS problems?

    Posted 30 Jun 2005

    Is anyone else having serious problems resolving domain names using and

My Information

Member Title:
Advanced Member
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown

Contact Information

Click here to e-mail me
MSN  wolfie@haventt.net
Website URL:
Website URL  http://www.ttonline.org


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