TSTT Forum: protozero - Viewing Profile

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protozero's Profile User Rating: -----

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High Speed ADSL (6 posts)
31-May 09
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User is offline Mar 30 2012 10:26 AM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Is it just me

    Posted 29 Jun 2011

    Is it just me or does everyone experience bad horrible latency and decreased speeds in the afternoon until late night?

    http://www.pingtest.... lt/42799726.png

    http://www.speedtest... /1363823579.png

    only other info i have is i Live in Maturita,Arima and i have a 2MB connection, my net was fine until 2 weeks or so
  2. You Know Blink Fail When...

    Posted 28 Nov 2010

    You know they fail when their OWN bandwidth test telling you they not giving you your speed

    [IMG]http://img525. imageshack.us/img525/781/blinktest. th.jpg[/IMG]

    I have a 2 Megabyte connection -_-
  3. TSTT is ##### us...

    Posted 28 Nov 2009

    I've had blink for around one year now...and i can say...TSTT is ##### us ...especially in the day... I've noticed when my speeds decreases my line downstream also decreases and its a ##### to a gamer like me...
    I could care less about my download speeds to tell the truth but my ping with online games is just PLAIN UNACCEPTALBE... i lag out in games, Voice over internet calls are also ##### ... Download speeds dont exist...
    I heard that tstt is having server problems but thats all they say...nothing else... i've been having this problem for half a year since they upgraded me... but its not like a problem...its more like they just limit my speed cause they feel like it... i can say that for sure because it only happens in the day...never in the night and my friends also have the same problem... i live in Arima and i have friends all over Trinidad so...it just seems wierd... maybe we sohld go FLOW FTW??? but i dont like flow i rather TSTT even with all this ####!!! And Greendot... LMAO... yeah right... waste of time... I'll stick with tstt until the end i guess...

My Information

Member Title:
34 years old
May 22, 1990
Warcraft 3, Dota, Call of duty, Megaman, Super Robot Wars, GUNDAM!!!

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