TSTT Forum: gfxripper - Viewing Profile

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gfxripper's Profile User Rating: -----

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13 (0 per day)
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Wireless Broadband (10 posts)
26-December 04
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User is offline May 23 2013 08:21 PM
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Topics I've Started

  1. LAN setup help Blink modem

    Posted 21 May 2013

    How would one connect the blink modem to a LAN thereby allowing others on the LAN to access the internet.
    The blink modem does not have wireless built-in so how would I connect it to the LAN via Ethernet or WAN port? I am not familiar with configuring the modem but am familiar with networking.What am i not getting.Please direct me to documentation
  2. Status of 3G and 4G? %^$@

    Posted 31 Dec 2012

    I went into TSTT recently was told that the 3g service is being phased out. So what am I suppose to do?

    When I sign up for blink via land-line they telling me the line don't have enough BW ok, this is an ongoing thing for like 3 yrs now. So now you want to cut off 3g when I can't get 4g service?What's the logic? I feel link TSTT is moving forward with trying to provide the latest and greatest (iphone,Galaxy etc)but all I and many others who live the country side want is a good reliable internet service. Come on, Trinidad is a small place. That being said, even Digicel say I they don't have coverage in B/pore. We need more competition in this space. I heard recently a talk of another Mobile company. I hope this happens. We suffering .Access to the web is a necessity now.But this really one part in the story of T&T.
  3. What's this error?

    Posted 6 Aug 2011

    I am getting "..RAS Signaling Dial Error (31)" when attempting the connect to 3G using Blink on the Go turbo u600 modem on Vista..But on XP it works fine. I already reinstalled the modem software but no change.
  4. wimax signa; strenght and evdo

    Posted 24 May 2011

    Hey of recent I have very poor service from my on the go turbo franklin wireless modem.I have to press the 'connect' button several times until I connect and still I have to reconnect because there is no web traffic.I continue this until I get service. Please help or pass this on the someone in TSTT. The location is in Barrackpore

    Also I assume the closer your wimax siganl indicator gets to 0 means you are getting better signal?.I usually get -82/10 (well it is to be expected because of my distance from the Rochard Douglas switching center)and if I am lucky I get -79/15 which shows as a 1.65 Mbps download speed on speedtest.net.

    I notice that the wimax signal strength varies even though you place the modem in the same spot as before.Any tips on how to improve this would be nice.
  5. What is the radius coverage of WImax and EVDO (3g)

    Posted 26 Apr 2011

    Can you tell me the radius coverage area of the Wimax and 3g for TSTT

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