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primitive's Profile User Rating: -----

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Wireless Broadband (23 posts)
04-September 07
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User is offline Dec 27 2007 08:11 AM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Praises for Greendot

    Posted 27 Dec 2007

    @lich king - I feel your pain, I know it must have been/is frustrating. But, I can't say much about their past performance, but it would seem like they have taken a 180 and are making a concerted effort at growing their customer base and providing top notch service. Given the options in TT and the way companies treat you, like you don't have a choice but to give them your money, Greendot's recent(?) approach is a welcomed change.

    @riche - The 6mb is per customer or overall?
  2. In Topic: Praises for Greendot

    Posted 25 Dec 2007

    Oh, some things I would like to see the service improve on or offer in the future:

    - Higher speed packages (I have a 512)
    - Proper documentation when you sign up (A manual with all their numbers, contact information, billing info, FAQ, etc.)
    - A new website that actually gives information (Its no worse than TSTT, maybe even Flow, but that not saying much. A website says a lot about a company)
    - True wireless service (Similar to EVDO)

    This is just a wish list, not any criticism of the current service.
  3. In Topic: First 24 hours with GreenDot

    Posted 21 Nov 2007

    View Post riche, on Nov 21 2007, 12:49 AM, said:

    just did another speed test, keep in mind that i still on the 256 package.. http://www.speedtest... t/204318960.png

    Wow, if I were you I would keep this a secret since obviously greendot made a mistake with your configuration :lol: Anyways, let me know if this is consistent or a one off thing. I find the speed does vary allot with this service, but I have'nt yet gotten less than what I am paying for (256k package), mine is now averaging around ~450KBs off peak, during peak times around ~200KBs is experienced.
  4. In Topic: First 24 hours with Blackberry Curve and Digicel EDGE

    Posted 13 Nov 2007

    Just another update, my blackberry curve died again yesterday. This time it gave a JVM 102 error. I am thinking this was triggered when I tried to send a picture via yahoo messenger.

    In any case, after leaving the batteries out for the night, the device started working again.

    JVM errors seem to be the order of the day with this device, as it has occurred 3 times already in the last month and once requiring me to go to Digicel to have them look at it. I am not sure if these problems are related to the device itself or if Digicel somehow screwed with the OS when they customized it for their network. I am leaning towards digicel screwing with it as I can't find other curve users who are having the same problems (not even with TSTT) online.

    Anyways, you might want to think twice before you plop $3500+ on this phone.
  5. In Topic: Why ISPs in T&T messing wid me?

    Posted 13 Nov 2007

    lol. Yeah, I read your posts. The thing is that as bad as they are appearing to be, they seem to be far more competent than TSTT.

    My situation is that I live in an area that TSTT claims does not have any free lines available (San Juan) and thus, I would have to wait at least 18 months before I can "maybe, possible, no guarantee" get a phone, and then maybe get internet, maybe ADSL.

    Flow not in my area and from the sounds of it when I call them, they have no plans to get their anytime this/next year. I bought a blackberry curve from Digicel with the hopes of using it as a modem, but that fell flat (too slow and unreliable).

    All in all I have spent roughly $1000 US to try and get internet and I still don't have any, so Greendot is my last option. I am so dismayed by this whole ordeal that I have started the process to migrate from Trinidad (not a trini).

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