TSTT Forum: shelisa868 - Viewing Profile

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shelisa868's Profile User Rating: -----

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63 (0.01 per day)
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GPRS (34 posts)
01-November 06
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Topics I've Started

  1. Wanted: battery for T-Mobile Dash

    Posted 30 Sep 2008

    ...what the title says, or anywhere that sells it. PM with any info please :unsure:
  2. About unlocking BB5 phones...

    Posted 3 Mar 2007

    Sooo...I wanna get a Nokia 6682, but bmobile's selling it, and I want it on the Digicel network (for the free net/downloads settings I have now ;) ). My 6230's unlocked, so I was just gonna swap sims when I get the 6682.

    Mention was made here one time that it MAY be bought unlocked in Trinidad, but there's general consensus that newer Nokias are difficult to unlock for reasons known. Friends of mine say the 6682 is a BB5 phone. I read about it on other sites, but does anyone here know about it? I wanna be SURE before I shell out 3+ grand on that phone... :blink:
  3. Samsung X166 proxy port

    Posted 9 Feb 2007

    Anyone knows how (or IF) the port for the x166 can be changed?? :blink:
  4. Sending mms from online (either Digicel or bmobil)

    Posted 21 Jan 2007

    Does anyone know if mms can be sent from online? Is there an application to do it? A site? Anything? :blink:
  5. Opera Mini and Digicel

    Posted 13 Nov 2006

    I KNOW this is a TSTT support forum sorta, but I made a discovery. I dunno if anyone else realized it yet but this is what I found.

    For a week now I haven't been charged for gprs on Digi while using either Opera or the phone's browser; these are my settings:

    Homepage: http://web.digiceltt.com
    Proxies: Disable
    Data bearer: gprs
    Bearer settings:
    gprs access point: web.digiceltt.com
    Authentication type: normal
    Login: automatic

    With Digi's default gprs settings I get charged; with the above, I don't. These are settings for Nokia 6230. If I'm late with my discovery, lemme know. I jus wanna know if anyone else realized this...

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Advanced Member
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown

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