TSTT Forum: twies - Viewing Profile

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twies's Profile User Rating: -----

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High Speed ADSL (5 posts)
25-September 09
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User is offline Feb 09 2014 02:49 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. blacklisted

    Posted 8 Feb 2014

    Try to sign up at synology forum but I can't.http://forum.synology. com/enu/ucp.php?mode=register
    It says that is

    Your IP has been blocked because it is blacklisted. For details please see http://www.sorbs.net... l?
    Your IP has been blocked because it is blacklisted. For details please see http://www.barracuda... s=
    An entry on the blacklist may have several reasons:
    1. You are a well-known spammer.
    2. Last time a well-known spammer was using the dynamic IP address which you got from your ISP (Internet Service Provider), your e-mail address or the username you have choosen.
    3. Your ISP is well-known for a lot of spamming customers and is not fighting against spammers enough.
    The username you entered is already in use, please select an alternative.
    Please note that you will need to enter a valid e-mail address before your account is activated. You will receive an e-mail at the address you provide that contains an account activation link.

    This is not good, can someone from TSTT work on this ?
    Thnx in advance

    Spam Blacklist check for
    http://network-tools... st=
    whois.rfc-ignorant.org has not blacklisted this IP
    bl.spamcop.net has not blacklisted this IP
    sbl.spamhaus.org has not blacklisted this IP
    xbl.spamhaus.org has not blacklisted this IP
    zen.spamhaus.org has blacklisted this IP and the response is
    psbl.surriel.com has not blacklisted this IP

    The IP address is listed as "poor" on the Barracuda Reputation System. To request removal, please click here.
    http://www.barracuda... okup-reputation
  2. zhone router acting up

    Posted 26 Sep 2009


    I have 2 wireless routers, one configured as simple wbridge/
    Now first I had an aditional third (wired) zhone adsl+ router and then the 2 wireless behind it and it worked kind of ok but needed a reboot every 3 month or so.

    Now I took that extra one out and have the ZHONE adsl+ wireless router with Firmware: 03.02.11TTT & Product Name: 6218-I2-xxx.
    This one works sometimes fast but then all of a sudden it hangs, it also does get very very hot.
    I don't do any online gaming or internet TV but there are always 3 -4 users in the house on the router
    Sometimes I cannot go on the internet ( browser keeps hanging) sometimes I even cannot get into the router at
    Once in a while I see that the linerate is cut in half ( from 8000 to 4000), then I quickly reboot to get the full line again.
    I think I have the right setup (
    with VPI/VPC 0/35 Off 1 UBR TSTT_Blink ppp_0_0_35_1 PPPoE Disabled Disabled Enabled
    Perhaps I need to put a fan on it or an longer phone cable to move it to a cooler spot, anyone knows how long the adsl line cable can be ? Anyone else have these problems with these zhone units ?

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Age Unknown
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