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High Speed ADSL (159 posts)
14-January 08
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User is offline Oct 07 2009 03:05 AM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Did TSTT Block Youtube?

    Posted 26 Apr 2009

    Anyone else having this horrible problem accessing youtube?

    It was happening for like 5 months and finally it worked good for 1 month and then it started back again.
    Is there anyway to fix this?
    Whats the update on FLOW? When is FLOW reaching Piarco?

    I usually have a lot of stuff and playlist on youtube so I depend on youtube for trance music so I will have no choice but to cancel my service with TSTT.

    I remember the last time BLINK said we were abusing youtube etc. But the thing is youtube is so big now how do they expect us to download everything on our PC?
    Its pretty much inconvenient to do so when FLOW users are not required to do this. They are allowed to watch youtube as much as they want and freely to.
    I have a 4 MB connection so any help will be greatly appreciated also flow new website is not up as yet so any word on when FLOW is reaching Piarco will be greatly appreciated..

    thanks fellas.
  2. Serious problems with loading most websites with Blink <DELETED>

    Posted 28 Jan 2009

    Google refuse to load yet tsttproblems loads within a flash :blink:

    Not even rapidshare loads and youtube now even worst it won't load anything its just dead.

    I hear TSTT crash permanently for good is this true?

    Maybe its time someone in TSTT resigned. This is so disgusting no joke.

    I am a Rapidshare premium user and I find this disgusting that not even rapidshare can load. Not even google.
  3. FLOW Increases Speeds to 50MB

    Posted 23 Nov 2008

    TSTT is gonna be Pawned by FLOW now!!!!!

    http://www.flowtrini... 3027FB9EA984D42

    All 6MB customers getting upgrade to 10MB and they bringing out 50MB next year.

    I not sure what upgrade the 2MB customers getting.

    But I think this may be the end of TSTT? :unsure:

    How exactly is TSTT gonna compete with this?

    Who in their right mind gonna pay $350 for 2MB from Blink when you can get 10MB from FLOW for the same price.
    Mind you TSTT does not always guarantee you 10MB most times people live to far from the exchange to even get more than 4MB and stuff.

    So is TSTT gonna upgrade all 256k customers to 2MB automatically for free? Cause there is no way they can compete with FLOW in the 10Mb to 50Mb range.

    Ow well Sorry TSTT but I really cah see the point paying you all $350 for 2MB when I can get 10MB from flow.
    So when FLOW comes I am gonna switch.

    I also heard 2MB customers getting an upgrade to? if so to what then? 4 or 6MB?
    TD seriously needs to either come up with a response or step down and resign cause at this rate FLOW gonna own!!!!

    I patiently awaits Trevor Dane response that is if he even has any.


    Wish I could say the same to Blink customers :(
  4. TSTT IP TV in testing phases?

    Posted 12 Nov 2008

    I heard they in west morrings?

    They bringing fiber optic cable TV of some sort to compete against FLOW. Right now they doing testing in West Morrings and will be starting a big marketing campaign in Feb 2009.

    I also heard you would be able to use this service through your phone line?
  5. Why is FLOW so hard to contact?

    Posted 15 Oct 2008

    If you try sending them an email from contact us page u get some kinda server error. lol

    If you try calling them they never answer your call and you pay 50 cents a minute from a land line TSTT just to call them. lol

    All I trying to do is report a company named Nanans playstation trading in San Juan they selling illegal cable boxes and and offering hacks for free cable TV.

    Now this is all good and well but they thieving people money and purposely damaging people PS2 lens so they can make more and more money. Not even consumer affairs can help you there self.

    These people need to be reported they wil no longer steal people money if I have anything to say about it. I glad PS3 cannot modify I want them to buss.

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