TSTT Forum: gameboyz - Viewing Profile

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gameboyz's Profile User Rating: -----

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High Speed ADSL (2 posts)
27-November 08
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User is offline Nov 15 2010 09:23 AM

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  1. In Topic: Android & Iphone (buyer beware)

    Posted 8 Nov 2010

    View Post greall, on 05 November 2010 - 08:50 AM, said:

    Hmmmm...I see no problem with this...


    deep pocket people would off-course not have a problem with the above.

    The fact is for now if you gonna buy a smart phone and use im, email, net browsing, etc your best bet is to buy a blackberry becuase its cheaper due to rim's subsides.

    If your are a cost conscious consumer or simply expect good value for your money, the my social and my mail plans are reasonably priced and Unlimited net is an option available to you only on blackberry models (still needs to get cheaper than $225.00 per month).

    If your phone bill is paid for or subsides by your company, then by all means go wild.

    This thread is for people that don't like arriving at a $500.00 bill in one week because they did some lite chatting, checking of emails, etc on their smart phone.
  2. In Topic: Flow's 2mb better than 10mb

    Posted 17 Mar 2010

    Up to last night I was having high latency and poor throughput in st. augustine. Fed-up calling the techs, you can tell it's traffic related because it occurs at peak usage times (5pm - 11pm). I hope the new $250m expansion solves this gustine issue.

    Flow stop selling bandwidth to the competition at the cost of your customers service.
  3. In Topic: High Latency / Ping problems

    Posted 11 Jan 2009

    The latency issue has been fix for me in cunupia since they have started to use upstream provider (nwnetworks/flow) - working good since Dec. 1st or so. The new issue I am having is, before dec. 31st 2008 8pm

    My blink using friends and I of different locations through out Trinidad would ping around 75-85ms to Teamgameboyz.com Atlanta servers (local TnT Team with cs1.6/cod servers) . This has increased to 100 - 125ms as of old years day.

    I don't know what tstt/blink did on old years night, But please undo it and restore lowish :( latency to us please.

    "and no it's not the Atlanta servers!!! because non blink users have not been affected"

    "and no its not the switch to nwnetworks/flow because it worked great for about 1 month after the switch"

    "calling blink is of no use, all these guys tell you is to reboot your modem"
  4. In Topic: High Latency / Ping problems

    Posted 29 Nov 2008

    cunupia - my ping is 479ms at the moment. this is not only a central problem, 5 of my buddy's get the same crap. peek times = high load for tstt which = high latency for customers. it's in enterprise, cunupia, grande, maloney, etc. too much arrears to list.

    Tstt, thanks for the poor service as per usual, even pinging tstt.net.tt is 30ms, this should be 0ms if you guys were a good isp, which would in turn cut our international pings by 30ms
    so instead of gaming at 100ms on us servers, we could be playing at 70ms.

    some advice try building a good network from the ground up, e.g. flow. We live in a global time, trini's are not bush and dirt road people anymore, we know about latency, throughput, fiber and when our isp sucks.

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