TSTT Forum: protozero - Viewing Profile

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protozero's Profile User Rating: -----

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High Speed ADSL (6 posts)
31-May 09
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User is offline Mar 30 2012 10:26 AM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Flow Lag troubles T.T

    Posted 28 Mar 2012

    sigh i've learned what causes LoL lag now...it's FLOW...when they throttle your download speed games like WOW are unaffected but LoL...LoL takes a big hit from that...which means FLOW has been throttling quite alot (almost 90% each month) for quite some time >_<, time to call FLOW
  2. In Topic: Flow Lag troubles T.T

    Posted 27 Mar 2012

    I get a similar problem with League Of Legends but it has nothing to do with PMB, sometimes i have lag in LoL while my friend has none, and then sometimes he has it while i have none (we both don't have PMB and both have FLOW), i think it's a FLOW problem as it isn't just a high latency spike but packet loss that occurs in game on random days for us. Sadly i switched to FLOW for better latency in games (Blink was raep with the constant slowdowns) but BLINK didn't have this packet loss in LoL, we seriously need 1 good ISP >_<
  3. In Topic: Extremely slow speeds

    Posted 1 Dec 2010

    it was working really nice the whole day on monday for me but when 8 pm hit...well all up to today (tuesday) 8 am it slowed down again...sigh this does make some men feel sad..specially men who does play games online
  4. In Topic: You Know Blink Fail When...

    Posted 29 Nov 2010

    you're lucky i guess :( , flow ran their digital cables through here (Maturita,Arima) a long time ago but when we called they said they didn't reach here yet :S, i think their phone service is fail...guess i have to go down to the office and find out, and speeds back to normal now -_-
  5. In Topic: WHAT TSTT DOING TO US (ARGGGG)!!!!!!!!

    Posted 1 Jun 2009

    hmmm...tstt raping me for a while now (in arima) but i noticed after 11pm my speeds got better...but daytime it got raped...it didn't used to e like this before...now all of a sudden i got 2mb dl speeds instead of 1mb but my ping is crazy high...no dota for me T-T...like 3 second delay...

My Information

Member Title:
34 years old
May 22, 1990
Warcraft 3, Dota, Call of duty, Megaman, Super Robot Wars, GUNDAM!!!

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