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Flow Internet (46 posts)
20-September 07
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User is offline Sep 29 2009 09:19 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. US Cable TV in Trinidad

    Posted 26 Oct 2008

    Yes guys the headline is right. I now have comcast digital cable in my apartment here in Trinidad. This is possible using these boxes.


    I am getting a feed off of one of my dad's cable boxes from Florida and i'm using the sling catcher to watch the video and project it on my TV. I have a 6mbit connection on this end and there is also a 6mbit connection on my dad's side with 1 mb upload. It is fully fuctional and i have total control of the cable box in Miami. I would have gotten Dish Network but his apartment does not have a view of the southern sky in Florida. The best thing is NO MORE SPANISH CRAP!!

    I get a pretty decent picture and surround sound on my 40" lcd.

    Seems like alot of trouble but I like to watch tv and finally have some decent cable tv with on demand so i can watch what i want when i want it. No more trying to download HBO series and stuff of the like.

    If you need more info feel free to PM me.
  2. Is TSTT using VOIP for routing international calls

    Posted 23 Apr 2008

    Hi guys, I have noticed of late especially when trying to call the US my calls take quite a while to connect and sometimes the quality is very poor. I also notice that distinct echo in the background of what I am saying. Whilst i do not have a problem with VOIP, i think they are doing this to reduce their own costs to the detriment of the consumer.

    What i do not get is that they do not market any sort of internet long distance but i think they are clearly using it themselves.

    I have lots of business calls to make sometimes from my office and i need a reliable connection when speaking to our customers and partners. When i use my digicel i do not get this problem at all. The call connects within 5 seconds and its a clear connection with none of that echo.

    Can anyone confirm this?
  3. Laqtel's License Cancelled

    Posted 15 Mar 2008

    I suspected this would happen eventually.

    http://www.guardian.... /business3.html

    Minister of Public Administration Kennedy Swaratsingh, yesterday cancelled concessions and licenses granted to Laqtel Limited for the provision of mobile telecommunications services.

    And within hours, the Telecommunications Authority of T&T (Tatt) levied on Laqtel’s assets for its failure to pay a fine ordered by magistrate Maureen Baboolal-Gafoor.

    Tatt’s acting executive director Cris Seecheran, announced the enforcement action against Laqtel at a news conference at the authority’s office at El Socorro. The action was taken after Laqtel repeatedly failed to start up the services promised under the concessions and licenses it had been granted or to pay a performance bond required under the concession.

    Seecheran said Tatt’s staff accompanied by police officers took $970,000 worth of electronic equipment—the approximate amount of the fine—from Laqtel’s office on Sackville Street, Port of Spain.

    Seecheran told journalists yesterday’s action came after Laqtel failed to meet yet another deadline—March 10—to pay the bond and fines. On December 31, 2005, Laqtel was granted concessions for the operation of a public domestic and international mobile telecommunications networks and services.

    The concessions required that Laqtel launch a public domestic mobile telecommunications service covering 50 per cent of T&T on or before June 30, 2006, increasing to 70 per cent by December 31, 2006, and to 98 per cent by December 30, 2009.

    Laqtel was also required to post a performance bond of $4,000,000 by January 14, 2006. Seecheran said that despite several reminders, Laqtel failed to post the performance bond.

    On September 12, 2007, Tatt took Laqtel to court over its failure to post the bond and the company was fined $150,000.00 to be paid on or before November 16, 2007.

    The court fined also Laqtel $10,000.00 per day from November 1, 2007, until the payment of the bond or termination of the contract between Laqtel and Tatt.

    Seecheran said Laqtel had not paid the fine or posted the performance bond by the specified date.

    Seecheran said in February Laqtel said it had a new investor and promised to fulfil its outstanding obligations by March 10.

    However, the company failed to meet the latest deadline.
  4. Is flow blocking P2P ports?

    Posted 2 Oct 2007

    Hi guys. We all know of the speed problems flow has been experiencing lately. Things seemed to have improved slightly but i am wondering what actions they have taken cos i have noticed for the past few days none of my p2p progams (bearshare, bittorent) work from home anymore. We use tstt adsl at work and sure enough i am able to search and download here in the office. I will call tech support to see if i can get an answer but it would be a real shame if they had to resort to this.

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