TSTT Forum: TSTT Customer Care - Viewing Profile

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TSTT Customer Care's Profile User Rating: -----

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High Speed ADSL (11 posts)
16-April 08
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User is offline Jan 16 2012 03:51 PM

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  1. In Topic: The contract has not expired!

    Posted 16 Jan 2012

    View Post reyaz01, on 15 January 2012 - 11:21 PM, said:

    Not to burst your bubble but your "3 year contract" has been expired and terminated and would have been that way the day the 3 year mark was reached. Hence, in an effort to allow you to keep your internet access you were moved from a contracted term of service to a non-contracted one (month-month). Therefore you are no longer in any contract and your 15% discount is no longer valid unless you go into the TSTT front office and request to be signed onto another one.


    Hi Reyaz

    Can you email your contact details to customercare@tstt.co.tt so we take a look into your concerns and provide you with a final response.

    TSTT Customer Care
  2. In Topic: Blink, why am I paying for crappy service?

    Posted 12 Jan 2012

    View Post Mei, on 07 December 2011 - 10:10 AM, said:

    It's been two weeks since my Blink connection decided to become bipolar!

    Within those two weeks, I have experienced Internet connections that are extremely moody. Throughout the day, the download speed is slow with the frequent disconnecting and time-out issues. And then somewhere in between the connection will seem fast for approximately 5 - 10 minutes, and then drop again. Rinse and repeat.

    On average, I have probably restarted my router about 15 times a day, everyday, over this two week period of hell! I've constantly been checking my phone line for static like a paranoid freak, but the line is clean. I can also make and receive calls as normal.

    I called Blink's technical support at the beginning of this issue and ended up with a person that had no idea about what they were telling me to do. At the end of the call, I was left in a worse situation where the connection was dead altogether. Not even a single signal of a slow connection. Thankfully I remembered all the settings he had me turn off and reapplied them myself (yes, I did get the Internet to start up after that).

    This is ridiculous! I'm paying for good service, not half-dead Internet with a technical support that can't help me!

    Hi Mei

    I am truely sorry about your internet experience and please forgive me for the delay in contacting but I am now logging on after a short absence from responding on this site.

    Please email us ( customercare@tstt.co.tt) your blink internet telephone number and a contact number , so we can confirm if you are still experiencing any problems with your internet service and try to resolve same asap.

    TSTT Customercare
  3. In Topic: Modem security

    Posted 12 Jan 2012

    View Post greall, on 11 December 2011 - 09:51 AM, said:

    Hmmm...I just went from continually having to reboot the modem to remain online to a dead phone line due to a voltage issue...

    Blink's still to contact me re:servicing the modem as I suspect that it's near death...

    My uncle experienced something like that after a modem upgrade but not the changed passowrds...


    Hi Greg

    Were you contacted ? If not please send us an email ( customercare@tstt.co.tt) with your blink internet telphone line number and a contact number and we will be sure to contact your on this matter

    TSTT Customer Care
  4. In Topic: Changing Password-My Hotspot

    Posted 12 Jan 2012

    View Post X2Board, on 28 December 2011 - 01:04 PM, said:

    Is it possible to change the password on the My Hotspot device?

    There is a generic password printed on the back , and it is common to many other personal hotspots I've seen
    I work in a close office environment with heavy internet restrictions, and connecting to someone's personal hotspot is a quick & easy way around this...

    Hi newbie

    Log into the modem via url
    Uname: admin

    Once logged in go to the wifi option where you can change the setting.

    Accessing the modem is also detailed in the quick start guide that comes with the device if the customer is having problems.

    Hope this Helps

    TSTT Customer Care
  5. In Topic: Unstable connection and high latency

    Posted 18 Jan 2011

    View Post Ñeji, on 07 January 2011 - 03:34 AM, said:

    Is anyone else getting connection drop, router goes red and modem self reboots. [Internet connection drops every 10min - 1hr] happens to me every day for the past month and a half
    And very high latency at 7pm - 11pm.


    If you have BLink service and still experiencing this problem , please send your telephone number and a contact number to customercare@tstt.co.tt. We look into this matter for you.

    Sorry for any inconveniences experienced as a result.



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