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nullptr's Profile User Rating: -----

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Flow Internet (2 posts)
28-December 06
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User is offline Dec 28 2006 11:38 PM

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  1. In Topic: Forum Rules and Regulations

    Posted 28 Dec 2006

    mario2001, on Dec 28 2006, 09:24 PM, said:

    i think you guys should try to limt politics in this forum as people tend to get hyper to easily

    I definitely agree to this, seeing a certain member still mouthing off after being warned by the admin. It shows no respect to the forum.
  2. In Topic: Flow is our only Saviour!!!!

    Posted 28 Dec 2006

    As i presumed about you to label me as Pro-# and the flamefest begins. From the beginning of my post, if you read it properly it was hint where this was going. Clearly you failed to see where this was going. You're very quick to jump to personal insult. I got no education? I'm currently attending University doing my Bachelors in CS, that alone states my educational background.

    I didn't deny that the #'s ways in ppl's opinion. Your issue was with # and TSTT in respect to internet, not # and others issue. We are sticking to one issue according to your post. So i'm gonna consider TSTT internet packages with VAT inclusive from your previous post.

    So if the government removes the price of VAT from any internet package, which is basically a 15% reduction on all packages. So 256k dsl rate will fall around $300 range, i bet people are gonna still be ranting that price is too expensive.

    Remember TSTT doesn't get free backbone from U.S; they have to pay for usage of the fiberoptic, possibly bandwith and Cisco/Foundry/Nortel/Fujitsu network quipment, also to maintain firmware and routing tables. I suspect they need to hire foreigners to operate it on the fiberoptic, since T&T probably lacks those persons with those qualification and experience. Also noted countries closer to florida are much cheaper. There're many variables to consider, everything is not a clear as it seems to the general public.

    I would really like to see in 2008, where we could get high speed broadband for cheaper. Then again the # maybe not be in power to fulfill their's promise during that time, since general elections is 'constitutional' due next year.

    I hope the new elected government thoroughly re-evaluate TSTT in respect to internet services to rectify wherever necessary to satisfy the general public.
  3. In Topic: Flow is our only Saviour!!!!

    Posted 28 Dec 2006

    Let set something straight for the record, Tstt is owned by C&W, the government has 51% of Tstt's shares, but the government still don't manage Tstt, C&W does. Government demanding to lower the price of net; could only be done with agreement from both parties. Observing that C&W are greedy monopolistic entity, guess what.

    You sound like that occasionally political ranting user here, under this new alias. Seriousily moderator of this site, should really consider killing these thread spewing ones political agenda in future. This is tsttproblems.com not governmentproblems.com.

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